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Innovative technologies and concepts for fine particle flotation: unlocking future fine-grained deposits and Critical Raw Materials resources for the EU

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - FineFuture (Innovative technologies and concepts for fine particle flotation: unlocking future fine-grained deposits and Critical Raw Materials resources for the EU)

Période du rapport: 2020-12-01 au 2022-11-30

The overall aim is to create new scientific knowledge to enable the development of ground-breaking technologies to exploit the fine particle fractions. Ambition of the project is to successfully recover fine particle systems and transfer the knowledge in new competitive technologies.
The expected results will lead to (i) drastically reduced loss of resources, (ii) the utilisation of new resources and (iii) more competitiveness through much higher energy efficiencies.
FineFuture applies a transdisciplinary and first of its kind research approach that combines the expertise of colloid and interface science, fluid dynamics, physics, mineral processing, process engineering, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, computational science and advanced mathematics. The project will develop ground-breaking concepts and technologies for the economic and environmental friendly separation of fine particle systems.
Specific objectives:
1. Create a break-through concept, a large body of new knowledge and interface engineering solutions.
2. Provide a proof of concept and develop groundbreaking, cross-sectorial technological solutions for tomorrow’s innovations in the field of recovery of particles containing critical raw materials.
3. Tune model processes to achieve at least 20 % energy savings and at least 30 % water savings.
4. Evaluate and use the environmental performance through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) with feedback mechanisms to guide the research work, implement measures to obtain the Social License to Operate and incorporate stakeholder knowledge from outside the network.
5. Provide open access to all scientific results and feed the knowledge and data in the EU knowledge base including RMIS.
6. Investigate and apply latest digitalization concepts and strategies at all levels of the project ranging from new experimental methods, advanced computing, data management, business model thinking, innovation management, feedback collection, collaboration in distributed teams to state of the art communication and dissemination of the project results.
1. Carefully considering the tight connection between Energy and Resources is strategically and economically mandatory for Europe
2. EU has base metals and CRM resources: to unlock these resources Innovative Technologies and Concepts are necessary
3. Further investment in basic and industrially-driven research in Fine Particle Flotation etc. is necessary
4. Thorough investment and technological support for developing countries is an efficient way to decrease EU‘s CO2 footprint
In WP1 new reagent formulations were developed. The optimum reagents for the separation magnesite were identified.
In WP2 the particle-bubble collision frequency model was developed. A general framework for constructing population balance zero-dimensional models was developed.
In WP3 the approaches of combined microbubbles flotation were optimised and applied. An innovative generation system of micro-bubbles was developed.
In WP4 the interaction of multicomponent collector systems on mineral surfaces was studied. Interface engineering solutions for surface chemistry tuning were developed.
In WP5 the mini-pilot pneumatic flotation cell was designed and validated in Europe’s biggest copper concentrator.
In WP6 a modelling frame for combining pulp and froth model was provided. The computational fluid dynamics simulation of the flotation process was developed.
In WP7 the LCA for Grecian Magnesite was completed, a Material Flow Cost Analysis was applied, and a business plan was developed.
In WP8 several events were organized. The website was regularly updated, and the LinkedIn channel was fed.
WP9 was performed as foreseen.
In WP1 an innovative methodology was developed to describe the interactions. Effective collector/depressant mixtures were suggested. A theory of convective adsorption on rising bubbles was developed and validated.
In WP2 a particle-bubble collision frequency calculation framework was developed. It was proven that fine bubbles improve the flotation recovery.
WP3: Essential findings include the microbubble dosage, pulp treatment time and the turbulence level. The use of sonication impacts significantly the flotation of the fine particle in flow mode.
In WP4 the importance of the frother type for the recovery of very fine-sized particles was understood. The use of a stator modifies the hydrodynamics within a flotation cell.
WP5: The results mark a significant progress in understanding of fine-particle flotation. The conducted studies provided proof of concept.
In WP6 the validation of the single phase CFD simulations in pilot-scale flotation cells and the establishing of a multi-phase pulp CFD was achieved. Enhanced population balance (DQMOM) modelling capabilities were implemented and validated.
In WP7 a sustainability assessment was accomplished. An MFCA was proposed to assess the economic sustainability. A framework was developed for social issues. A potential business plan was developed.
WP8: The project had a huge impact concerning dissemination of results with more than 40 publications and 25 oral at conferences.
WP9: The entire project was managed properly.
The societal-economic impact of the project is not yet fully assessable. However, both Stakeholder Fora have proven that there is the potential to generate impact in the processing industry with innovative flotation technologies that are able to enhance the recovery of critical raw materials. This results in an impact on the society as it secures access to indispensable raw materials needed. In particular, in times of a transformation of the European economy to climate-neutrality this topic is relevant for the entire society, and involves high socio-economic implications for each European citizen.
Progress beyond state of the art:
1. With about 40 already published peer-reviewed articles in high impact journals, FineFuture has achieved high scientific level and substantially contributed to the knowledge generation in flotation.
2. As a result, an excellent understanding of flotation reagents has been achieved. For instance, the adsorption of collectors on magnesite and dolomite surfaces has been resolved by using DFT modelling. Optimum frothers to obtain ensembles of stable fine bubbles of high bubble surface mobility were identified.
3. A breakthrough in modelling bubble-particle collision frequency in turbulent flows has been achieved. An improved understanding of the fluid dynamics of the non-transparent flotation processes was possible through the application of new PEPT tracer.
4. Advances in modelling have been made with a direct impact on the improvement of flotation technology connecting micro- with macroscale, and resulting in a retrofit modification of the control entrainment of the funnel, which reduces the entrainment by 30%.
5. The results of the fundamental investigations enabled the pneumatic flotation technology of the partner Maelgwyn Mineral Services to be improved based on the scale-up from lab scale via pilot toward the (semi)-industrial scale.
6. Finally, the developed innovative technology was successfully tested at mining sites, and also underwent a holistic assessment including first economic figures using material flow cost accounting, a comprehensive life cycle assessment, and an assessment concerning social impacts coming potentially from an application of the technology.
Schematic of the pilot plant
Mapping the countries of the registrations for the 1st (left) and 2nd (right) stakeholder forum
Graphical representation of key performance indicators calculations
Adaptation of miniplant installation
Overall results flotation tests performed on the impact of the sonication on the flotation efficienc
Experiments with direct pulp injection into the froth. a) Setup 1 b) Setup 2 and c) mass fraction in
Verification of particle bubble attachment for constant rate
Adsorption of dodecylamine and octanol on magnesite (top) and dolomite(below)
Snapshot of the simulated froth phase with the froth phase CFD simulator
Funnel design for entrainment prevention
Contribution analysis