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Sustainable Historic Environments hoListic reconstruction through Technological Enhancement and community based Resilience

Description du projet

Une amélioration de la résilience axée sur les données et basée sur la communauté des zones historiques

Le changement climatique peut avoir des effets néfastes sur le patrimoine culturel. La protection et la conservation des sites historiques requièrent de nouveaux outils pour accroître leur résilience et amoindrir leur vulnérabilité. Le projet SHELTER, financé par l’UE, développera un cadre de connaissance axé sur les données, basé sur les données et utilisé par les scientifiques et les gestionnaires du patrimoine. Ce projet tentera de comprendre l’impact direct et indirect, ainsi que les risques du changement climatique sur les sites historiques. Il associera également des concepts utilisés dans la gestion des risques et les adaptations au changement climatique pour préserver le patrimoine culturel. Les caractéristiques régionales et les différents types de risques, ainsi que les conditions sociales et économiques, seront pris en compte pour intégrer la résilience climatique aux efforts de gestion du patrimoine culturel avec la validation de cinq laboratoires ouverts.


Over the last decades, as a consequence of the effects of climate change, cultural heritage has been impacted by an increasing number of climate related hazards, posing new challenges to conservators and heritage managers. SHELTER aims at developing a data driven and community based knowledge framework that will bring together the scientific community and heritage managers with the objective of increasing resilience, reducing vulnerability and promoting better and safer reconstruction in historic areas. The first step to enhance resilience is associated to the improvement in understanding the direct and indirect impacts of climatic and environmental changes and natural hazards on historic sites and buildings, by linking concepts commonly used in disaster risk management and climate change adaptation with cultural heritage management, in order to provide inclusive and informed decision-making. Comprehensive disaster risk management plans need to be drawn up, based on the specific characteristics of cultural heritage and the nature of the hazards within a regional context, taking into account the diverse heritage typologies as well as the specific socioeconomic conditions, since this directly affect the vulnerability of such systems. By a deep understanding of the hazard, the exposure and the vulnerability of the historic area, the local dynamics and the provision of innovative governance and community based models, it is possible to provide useful methodologies, tools and strategies to enhance resilience and secure sustainable reconstruction. Due to the information complexity and the diverse data sources, SHELTER framework will be implemented in multiscale and multisource data driven platform, able to provide the necessary information for planning and adaptive governance. All the developments of the project will be validated in 5 open-labs, representative of main climatic and environmental challenges in Europe and different heritage’s typologies.

Appel à propositions


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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 832 082,63

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Noreste País Vasco Gipuzkoa
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 832 082,63

Participants (24)