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MIGOSA - Image Sensor for low light Camera Applications

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - MIGOSA (MIGOSA - Image Sensor for low light Camera Applications)

Período documentado: 2021-02-01 hasta 2021-10-31

During the last 15 years semiconductor image sensor has replaced film in digital cameras. The low light image quality of digital cameras equipped with present CCD and CMOS image sensors does not meet present user expectations and requirements. The fundamental principle of operation in both of these image sensor technologies is more than 40 years old but it is not optimal for low light image conditions.

Pixpolar Oy has developed and patented a new type of an image sensor called Modified Internal Gate (MIG). It provides, due to its excellent capability t9 capture visible light as well as invisible Near Infra-Red (NIR) light, superior low light image quality when compared to the present CCD and CMOS image sensors. MIG image sensors have unprecedented ability to avoid interference, and to provide significantly enhanced image quality in low light conditions. The first (and easy to reach) applications of the MIG sensors are in Security and Surveillance (S&S) cameras (outdoor, border control, utilities, etc.), maritime, night vision cameras, and scientific imaging. Ultra-low noise imaging has many other applications for automotive, aviation, and industrial cameras. The MIG image sensors can also be implemented to digital and cell phone cameras.

The Problem and Solution

The low light image quality is defined inter alia by the following factor: During the darkest outdoor conditions there is much more invisible light (NIR-Near-Infra-Red) than visible light. This means that the sensor must have high conversion rate of all light into a measurable signal (QE-rate). The MIG-sensor has three times higher QE than its competitors.

Societal Impacts

Cameras equipped with MIG image sensors meet the ever-growing needs of security in e.g. the fields of S&S, night vision and border control. Crowd protection and the security of public and official buildings can be improved through the early identification of threats or of crime perpetrators.

Today most European cities, and any other large cities all over the world have integrated surveillance camera systems in order to increase public security. Whilst video surveillance systems are mainly used for crime preventive reasons, sufficient image quality would also allow analysing recorded data in detail for successful crime investigation. Other applications of MIG-sensors will also contribute to enhanced applications e.g. in Science and Medicine.

Overall Objectives

Today the low light image quality of digital security and surveillance cameras equipped with present CCD and CMC image sensors does not meet present user expectations and requirements. Current solutions can simply not create good resolution images under low light conditions. The Pixpolar business strategy is, by providing a solution to the major problem, to become the key supplier of MIG image sensors to
Security and Surveillance camera producers in the field of low light imaging. Based on Pixpolars IPR protected technology, the company can also over the long run maintain, a profitable position in the market as a supplier of image sensors. When a strong market position within the security and surveillance camera market has been established, Pixpolar will make product adaption aiming to create a strong position as a supplier of MIG image sensors to aviation, drone, industrial, space, medical and potentially all consumer cameras, e.g. Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DCLR) cameras. A market study carried out and subsequent close contract with major camera producers, confirmed that the novel MIG image sensor addresses weaknesses of presently available sensors and meets the needs of camera manufacturers particularly for applications in low-light conditions.

The marketing of MIG image sensors will take place initially by direct contacts (B2B) to a selected number of camera manufacturers in Europe. In the longer perspective broader geographical market will be addressed. The business strategy in the field of Security &Surveillance is to focus on the segment for “High- End Black and White low light optimised outdoor”applications. In this segment image sensors can be priced relatively high. The existing preliminary purchasing orders will secure Pixpolar a strong foothold in the first targeted market segments. MIG technology is very attractive in a multitude of facets. It offers the opportunity to revolutionize the world of electronic imaging through unprecedented low light image quality, and solves todays severe limitations such as interference and limited identification of persons and objects at affordable costs.
Work performed

Manufacturing of the sensor is a step-wise process i.e. before entering into mass production of sensors a demonstrator/prototype sensor has to be manufactured. Pixpolar has signed contracts with two European manufacturers for the manufacturing of demonstrators which will be completed this year.

Pixpolar has also continued to complete its already extensive patent portfolio (over 30 world wide granted patents) and contacted European camera manufacturers and Chinese companies interested in marketing MIG-sensors in Asia.

Pixpolar arranged in December 2019 with a Finnish bank an issue of Pixpolar stocks to Bank clients (1,200 M€). This bank has also indicated its interest to arrange a new issue of stocks upon the completion of the demonstrator.
Progress beyond the state of the art and impact

The competitors of Pixpolar are making costly software manipulation in an attempt to circumvent their sensors insufficient low light performance. However, the solutions provided by the current players in the market to enhance “old technology to meet new market demands” are not only costly, but does not provide the image quality requested. The S&S camera technology will undergo a similar change as was experienced when digital signal processing replaced the analog communication. Pixpolar is in the position to provide a solution which will set new standards for low light image quality.

MIG Image Sensor Performance Novelty

- Better image and video quality in low-light conditions (to improve identification) are possible due to very low noise as well as high conversion of visible and invisible Near Infra-Red (NIR) photons to a measurable signal; the ability of the MIG image sensor to convert photons to a measurable signal is approximately 3 times larger for NIR light when compared to the best competitor.

Immunity to interference is possible for both visible and NIR light because signal does not spread in the MIG sensor to the neighbouring pixels providing thus excellent performance in all lighting conditions (including daylight). This stems from Pixpolar’s unique image sensor design.

These are the qualities sought after by the camera manufacturers and end users. Currently, affordable S&S image sensors available from competitors do not provide all these features in one sensor. Cameras equipped with Pixpolar’s MIG image sensors will be the most efficient cameras for capturing NIR light and thus will provide superior low-light image quality. This makes it possible to build a fast expanding business for Pixpolar.

MIG image sensor technology is a revolutionary, disruptive technology superseding the present commercial state of the art CCD (Charge Coupled Device) and CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) technologies particularly in low light imaging.
Pixpolar MIG image sensor advantage