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Catalogue of Research Infrastructure Services

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CatRIS (Catalogue of Research Infrastructure Services)

Reporting period: 2020-07-01 to 2021-06-30

The European Research Infrastructures landscape is diverse and includes Research Infrastructure (RI) operators, managers, academic and industrial users, decision and policy makers, funders and other resource providers. Significant efforts have been directed towards gaining insight into available RI, national RI road mapping practices, and planning of pan-European RI. A recent report by OECD Global Science Forum highlights that “open digital platforms can have substantial value for a wide range of stakeholders”.

Information on the services and/or resources provided by RIs is currently provided in many different formats through websites and portals which are not necessarily always connected. In line with the ongoing development of a catalogue of e-infrastructures services and the needs of the broad RI community, CatRIS is developing a catalogue of RI services focusing on physical infrastructures, core facilities and shared scientific resources.

CatRIS will be the gateway for gathering, harmonizing and making findable and accessible RI services from all Europe, thus contributing to the core objectives of the European Open Science Cloud for open access to and reuse of scientific resources and services. CatRIS will analyse existing initiatives to identify best practices and to propose a service catalogue structure to respond to users’ needs
CatRIS project started on January 2019 and since then its has designed and built the CatRIS portal which is now available ( ). CatRIS aims to be an online catalogue of services provided by European Research Infrastructures, Core Facilities and Shared Scientific Resources. The catalogue aims to be populated and run directly by RI, CF and SSR service providers at European, national, regional and institutional levels, it has been designed to meet the needs of its Service Providers and users, to be highly user-friendly and interoperable with other catalogues and aligned with the requirements of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Concept, design, structure and nomenclature were developed under consultation with the RI community through workshops, focus groups, surveys and questionnaires. Many Service providers, researchers, policy makers have been already engaged and helped to shape the catalogue. The first Service Providers have already onboarded and their services are visible publicly.
At the end of the project CatRIS has onboarded more then 600 services from over 130 Service Providers covering most scientific disciplines. An exploitation plan and a marketing strategy for further uptake and development of CatRIS has been prepared.
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