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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Social Innovation Matched Crowdfunding (SIM Crowd)

Description du projet

Le financement participatif comme option pour couvrir les coûts des projets des PME

L’agence autrichienne de promotion de la recherche (FFG) finance fréquemment jusqu’à 50 % des coûts totaux des projets d’innovation sociale des PME. Dans un récent retour d’expérience, la FFG a toutefois constaté qu’un nombre alarmant d’entreprises n’avait pas déposé de demandes de financement public, car elles n’étaient pas en mesure de mobiliser les fonds d’appoint requis. Grâce au projet SIM Crowd, la FFG entend découvrir si ses efforts visant à orienter les entreprises innovantes vers un financement public disponible augmenteront leurs chances d’obtenir un financement et, dans l’affirmative, dans quelle mesure. L’agence sélectionnera un certain nombre de projets dans le cadre d’un essai sur une plateforme de financement participatif et ses résultats positifs serviront à inciter les innovateurs à couvrir les coûts des projets non pris en charge par la FFG par un financement participatif.


The main objective of the proposed project is to conduct an experiment and test the effects of a “seal” (“funded by FFG”) and information about matched funding provided by a public funding organisation (FFG) on the funding decision of the audience on crowdfunding platforms. A randomised controlled trial (RCT) will be conducted within the existing funding scheme “Impact Innovation” of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency/FFG.

FFG first launched a pilot scheme for a new programme called “Impact Innovation” in 2017. A second call with improvements in communication and evaluation criteria was carried out until autumn 2018. About 30% of proposals in these two pilot schemes addressed problems or solutions that were classified as “social innovation”. A recurring pattern in these proposals was lack of or failure to provide sufficient funding to cover the total cost of the project (FFG funds up to 50% of total project cost). In addition to this FFG received feedback from the community of social innovators that a significant number of ideas was not even submitted because the potential applicants could not generate or demonstrate the necessary funds to completely fund the project (100%).

FFG therefore wants to test whether and how providing information on available public funding for social innovation projects will increase (or decrease) the chances to attract funding for the remaining 50% of project cost. This test will be run on a crowdfunding plattform for selected projects and – if the results are positive - increase the total amount of funding for successful social innovation projects and provide evidence for leverage effects of matched crowdfunding.

Appel à propositions


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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 287 500,00
Coût total
€ 287 500,00