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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Support stakeholders in zero emission fossil fuel power plants and energy intensive industry

Descripción del proyecto

Impulsar nuestras plantas sin emisiones de CO2

La captura y almacenamiento de carbono (CAC) es una técnica para atrapar el dióxido de carbono (CO2) generado por grandes emisores como las centrales eléctricas. Antes de poder almacenar el gas CO2 de las centrales eléctricas y otras fuentes puntuales, se debe capturar y despojar de la mayoría de las sustancias asociadas. No se trata de una nueva tecnología, dado que el CO2 se captura y se separa de forma rutinaria como un subproducto de los procesos industriales. El proyecto SSFZEP, financiado con fondos europeos, tiene como objetivo desarrollar una red inclusiva, eficaz y amplia de tecnologías de CAC y captura y utilización de carbono en el centro de la transición hacia una economía hipocarbónica. Al apoyar la coordinación de las diversas partes interesadas del sector público y privado, el proyecto ayudará a que la Unión Europea logre la neutralidad climática para 2050.


This proposal is submitted in response to call LC-SC3-CC-4-2018. The overarching goal of this project is to draw together a broad, effective and inclusive network of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) – hereafter referred to as CCUS – stakeholders to support the development of zero emission fossil fuel power plants and energy intensive industries.

Supporting the coordination of diverse stakeholders - including the private and public sectors - will contribute to a common agreement on the role that CCUS technologies can play in the transition to a low-carbon economy.

This proposal will support the coordination of the stakeholders’ activities through the SET-Plan CCUS European Technology Innovation Platform (ETIP). A key activity of the ETIP will be to support progress of the CCUS Research and Innovation (R&I) activities contained in the SET-Plan CCS and CCU Implementation Plan . The Implementation Plan was developed by a temporary working group and adopted by the Set Plan Steering Group on 27th September 2017. The Implementation Plan R&I activities will support delivery of the SET-Plan targets agreed for Action 9 on CCS and CCU.

This proposal is to continue the ETIP ZEP activities supported through the project SESZEP funded under LCE-36-2016. The grant for this project ends on the 30th of April 2018 and so there will be a gap in the support to the ETIP stakeholders. If this proposal is successful we would wish to start providing support to the stakeholders at the earliest possible opportunity in order to minimise disruption . If this proposal is successful we would like to discuss the options for a timely start for these services with the Commission.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Convocatoria de subcontratación


Régimen de financiación

CSA - Coordination and support action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 678 885,50
SW1H 0DX London
Reino Unido

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London Inner London — West Westminster
Coste total
€ 997 671,75

Participantes (1)