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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Research into enhanced track and switch and crossing system 2

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - IN2TRACK2 (Research into enhanced track and switch and crossing system 2)

Période du rapport: 2020-01-01 au 2020-12-31

The second reporting period has focused on continuing research into the following topics:

TD3.1 – Enhanced Switch & Crossing (S&C) System

• Extending the simulation approaches for S&C dynamic behaviour and deterioration
• Improving measurement systems including data transmission for S&C status surveillance to serve as a basis for predictive monitoring and enhanced maintenance procedures
• Understand design principles, manufacturing technologies and installation processes required to deliver necessary enhancements
• Testing and trialling of the demonstrator, performance data aggregation based on measurement plans including extensive analysis
• Validation of extended simulation approaches and measurement systems

TD3.2 – Next Generation Switch & Crossing System

• Next generation S&C sub-system integration work in collaboration with S-CODE;
• Detailed design of next generation S&C components and sub-systems, considering advanced:
• Monitoring and control for self-diagnostics, self-adjustment and autonomous inspection;
• Mechatronic switch kinematics, incorporating system redundancy, to enable degraded operation and eliminate service affecting asset failures;
• Materials, design and manufacturing to optimise asset performance;
• S&C support conditions designed from a whole system perspective;
• Small-scale prototypes and virtual demonstrations Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 5;
• Planning for full-scale prototyping and demonstration to achieve TRL6 within the SHIFT2RAIL Annual Work Plan 2020 (AWP20).

TD3.3 – Optimised Track System

• Increasing the useful life of the track by optimising the component and track system;
• Defining and improving the performance of the track system in terms of less traffic disturbance due to maintenance and faults of the assets;
• Developing and deploying tools to determine track solutions that are technically, economically, environmentally and operationally beneficial including LCC and RAMS performance;
• Deploying tools to provide means for pro-active management that sets out from a system approach and includes all necessary components from track bed to welding;
• Improving environmental factors including reducing N&V;
• Demonstrating enhanced track solutions.

TD3.4 – Next Generation Track System
• To begin exploration of new track concepts to deliver a step-change in performance. Key activities will include:
• Innovative track system, sub-structure and track support solutions;
• Autonomous inspection and innovative methods for track maintenance and repair;
• Materials, design and manufacturing to optimise asset performance;
• Prototypes and demonstrators up to TRL5;
• Planning for full-scale prototyping and demonstration to achieve TRL6 within AWP20.

TD3.5 – Proactive Bridge and Tunnel Assessment, Repair and Upgrade

• Developing new inspection methods to allow faster, more accurate inspection of tunnels and bridges including improved repeatability and reproducibility;
• Developing new repairing, strengthening and upgrading methods which permit less traffic disturbance, fast installation with short track access time, allowing staging for traffic movement between track operations;
• Proposing to align codes so uncertainties can be reduced, and future new structures can be designed and constructed at reduced cost;
• Developing noise and damping methods suitable for metallic bridges.
Within this reporting period, an additional open call project called In2Zone has been developed and shares a crossover of outputs regarding transition zones. Both Project Coordinators are in the process of setting up a collaboration agreement to share research outputs and identify the specific work packages where this research crosses over.
As the project faced serious delays due to various partners, the JU has agreed to extend the project to November 2021. The approach agreed will see the project submit two versions of the deliverables in different timescales. Version 1 of the deliverables will focus on the research that has been completed within the original timescales (April) while the 2nd version of the deliverables will be submitted in November 2021.
The outputs that will be submitted in November have been communicated to the In2Track3 coordinator to ensure that follow-up research has been managed effectively.
The In2Track2 project outputs will feed into the following Technical demonstrators:
TD 3.1 – Enhanced Switches & Crossing Systems, TD 3.2 – Next Generation Switches & Crossing Systems, TD 3.3 – Enhanced Track, TD 3.4 – Next Generation Track and TD 3.5 – Bridges and Tunnels. These all align with closely with the Shift2Rail objectives and TD Leaders are undertaking assessments of any delays/change in scope to ensure the overall objectives are still met.

RP2 has focused on addressing the comments from the first project review and applying against the delayed deliverables. These comments centred around including more scientific depth, further research and evidence of outputs. A lot of research has been undertaken into developing demonstrators for Next Generation S&C and Track along with the Enhanced S&C and Track to continue the objective of achieving high TRL levels within the project. The bridges and tunnel outputs have continued to deliver defined reports and an example output that focuses on detecting defects within a tunnel which can show results from demonstrations. The focus now is to finalise the research to meet the GA objectives in the final reporting period.
The various work packages cover different stages of research that focus on undertaking research to improve the way maintenance is undertaken for the bridge, tunnels, switches and crossings. The project is now within its second reporting period and the majority of the activities have focused on the development of planning demonstrators to prove the research is feasible. The next phase of the project will be to trial these demonstrators and provide reports based on these results both virtual and physical for use across Europe. The impacts of this research will centre around the following:

Safety - Various research is looking into automation methods to undertake maintenance. This will reduce the need for engineers to be present on the track and structures therefore reducing the potential incidents on the railway.
Cost- This research will help in reducing the cost of maintenance as it is looking on various ways on how to improve maintenance and increase the longevity of various assets.
Efficiency - Better maintenance methods will reduce timings of repairs and allow more defects to be resolved in a given time.
Image showing examples of reserach outputs for dissemination