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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Interactive biomembranes for wound management – exploiting the unique wound healing and antimicrobial properties of human collagen VI


This project's objective is to develop a wound dressing product that will address the unmet needs of patients with chronic wounds. The prevalence of chronic wounds is increasing and results in a growing utilization of healthcare and financial resources. The available wound care options can manipulate one or multiple aspects of the wound environment, but cannot form antibacterial barriers and facilitate healing to a satisfactory level at the same time.

Colzyx aims to address this challenge by developing an innovative wound dressing product that will make use of the newlydiscovered healing and antimicrobial properties of human collagen VI. It is first-in-class product which uses highly functional molecules from the human innate immune system in wound management. This novel technology combines these potent molecules with a biomembrane – established in wound management market. Together, they effectively enhance wound closure and fight bacterial infection simultaneously.

This approach offers significant benefits to patients by reducing pain and discomfort, and accelerating recovery. It will also shorten hospitalisation time and decrease labour for healthcare professionals and the financial burden. Comparing to available wound dressings, Colzyx’s product is unique and will address a new market category of interactive biomembranes.

The ultimate success will depend on the quality of confirmatory data and agreement with development partner to share the challenges of subsequent research and market introduction. Colzyx plans to take the product through the CE-mark registration study and reach the market through an agreement with a strong defined licence partner.

The problem of pathogenic resistance to drugs is growing and highlighted by the national and international health organisations. This adds to the significance of the challenge posed by chronic wounds and ensures Colzyx in the endeavour of developing and bringing to the market its novel wound dressing.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Convocatoria de subcontratación


Régimen de financiación

SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 50 000,00
223 81 Lund

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Organización definida por ella misma como pequeña y mediana empresa (pyme) en el momento de la firma del acuerdo de subvención.

Södra Sverige Sydsverige Skåne län
Tipo de actividad
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 71 429,00