Periodic Reporting for period 4 - NanoBRIGHT (BRInGing nano-pHoTonics into the brain)
Période du rapport: 2023-05-01 au 2024-04-30
NanoBRIGHT has sought to develop low-invasiveness devices able to exploit unconventional combinations between optics and photonics to interact with the brain tissue, bringing light to control and monitor physiological phenomena not accessible with currently available techniques. This has generated new knowledge on brain diseases, as well as new technological paradigms for next generation devices to interface with the neural tissue without requirement for genetic modification.
- Developing fabrication methods to realize plasmonic structures on tapered fibers (including a wide field-of-view two photon lithography system)
- Implementing novel numerical design of the plasmonic structures
- Implementing Novel numerical methods to estimate electromagnetic field on the edge of optical fibers
- Developing optical methods to obtain spatial resolution for both flat-cleaved and tapered fibers-based endoscopes
- Implementingf Raman Systems in neuroscience and cancer neuroscience labs and their combination with electrophysiology system
- Developing models of diseases to obtain simultaneous Surface Enchanted Raman Signals, optical readout of neural activity and electrophysiology
- Developing of models of diseases to investigate the permeability of the blood-brain-barrier
- Engineering Light–Matter Interactions on the Nonplanar Surface of Tapered Optical Fibers, proposing Plasmonics on a Neural Implant
- Implementing Holographic Manipulation of Nanostructured Fiber Optics Enables Spatially-Resolved, Reconfigurable Optical Control of Plasmonic Local Field Enhancement and SERS
- Obtaining SERS Detection of Neurotransmitters through Gold-Nanoislands-Decorated Tapered Optical Fibers with Sub-10 nm Gaps, with a limit of detection as low as 10-6 M
- Developing Machine learning methods to identify experimental brain metastasis subtypes based on their influence on neural circuits
Obtained so far have been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and presented to international scientific conferences. NanoBRIGTH got ample coverage in press media, radio and television of Italy, Spain and France along this first year.