Description du projet
Un coup de pouce à l’innovation pour les PME bruxelloises
Les PME de la région de Bruxelles-Capitale recevront un coup de pouce en termes de capacité d’innovation. Le projet BENEI2 2019, financé par l’UE, fournira des services d’innovation à deux groupes de PME. Le premier comprend les bénéficiaires des programmes Horizon 2020 suivants: instrument PME, Fast Track to Innovation et Future and Emerging Technologies – Open. Le second rassemble les PME qui présentent un fort potentiel de croissance et d’internationalisation. Tous deux feront partie des services d’Enterprise Europe Brussels. Le processus de sélection tiendra compte des besoins d’innovation de chacun des deux groupes. Globalement, le projet cherchera à créer les conditions qui permettront aux PME de devenir plus compétitives et d’avoir des retombées sur l’économie régionale.
The project aims at offering specific innovation services to 2 different groups of SMEs based in the Brussels Capital Region:
- the SME-I / FTI / FET Open beneficiaries on the one side, and
- the SMEs having a high potential for growth and internationalisation by the enhancement of their innovation management capacity on the other side.
These services will be an integral part of the Enterprise Europe Brussels services and will be provided in the frame of a sounded client's journey approach, in lin with the company's life cycle.
Although for the SME-I / FTI / FET Open beneficiaries the proposer depends on the number of successful SME granted and notified by EASME, a funnel approach will be adopted for both groups of SMEs in order to have an upstream estimation and selection of the SME potential existing in the region.
This funnel and selective approach will also take into consideration the permeable frontiers which divide one SME group from the other, in the light of the innovation needs and capacities existing at a given time of the SME lifecycle.
The service provision for Group 2 will be ensured via a structure process, relying on a contest approach, SME pre-selection, set-up according to a predefined methodology, which relies on ad-hoc tools (and based on 9 criteria) and methodologies, designed with the aim to select only those SMEs with capacity, clear intent and ambition to benefit from the innovation management assessment.
In function of the score obtained in the different criteria, the SME will be selected (or not) to benefit from the innovation management capacity assessment held with one of two retained tools, both complaint to EU standard CEN/TS 16555-1 “Innovation management system”.
The BENEI2 2019 proposal addresses the obstacles which hinder SME from being more competitive, from growing and creating jobs, thus having a real impact in the regional economy.
- H2020-EU.2.3. - INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Innovation In SMEs Main Programme
Régime de financement
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinateur
1060 Bruxelles / Brussel