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Energy Efficiency Compliant Products 3

Description du projet

Suivre l’évolution du marché de l’énergie

Il s’agit de l’exercice de surveillance du marché d’un produit le plus complet jamais entrepris dans le secteur de l’efficacité énergétique et de l’écoconception de l’Union européenne. Le projet EEPLIANT3 s’appuiera sur le succès des programmes précédents: produits conformes en matière d’efficacité énergétique (ECOPLIANT, EEPLIANT2014 et EEPLIANT2) ou projet de surveillance du marché dans le cas de TYRES 2015 (MSTyr15). Il contribuera à la mise en place d’un système actif et interconnecté d’échange d’informations permettant de suivre les possibilités et les difficultés de mise en œuvre des priorités et objectifs énergétiques de l’UE. Ce but sera atteint grâce à la coordination des activités de surveillance, de vérification et d’exécution menées par 24 autorités des États membres (MSA) et cinq organisations dans l’UE et en Turquie. Le projet permettra de développer des outils informatiques stratégiques afin que les MSA puissent obtenir de meilleurs résultats avec le même niveau de ressources.


This proposal proposes a substantial project of a pan-EU market surveillance action to achieve impacts in line with the aims and objectives of the Horizon 2020 ― Work Programme 2018-2020 Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy. The project, if approved, will be the most comprehensive and complex product market surveillance exercise ever undertaken in the EU’s energy efficiency and Ecodesign sector, building on and reinforcing the successes and momentum of the predecessor programmes: Energy Efficiency Compliant Products (ECOPLIANT, EEPLIANT2014 and EEPLIANT2), Market Surveillance Project for TYRES 2015 (MSTyr15).
The proposed activities are structured around the needs and priorities identified by the memberships of the Energy Labelling and Eco-design ADCOs. These, without surprise, closely match the requirements set in the Call with ref. no. H2020-IBA-SC3-energy-2018, Exchange of information and best practices, development of common methods, protocols, checklists or IT tools (e.g. web crawlers), execution of joint surveillance activities, strengthening the collaboration with customs authorities, communication, establishment of centres of excellence for product testing, support the development of the Energy Labelling products registration database, input into standardisation, addressing challenging issues like defeat devices, software updates, plausibility testing, support for international alignment of test standards are all covered.
The methodology to be used for addressing those requirements will include the delivery of a programme structure consisting of a matrix of activities both horizontal (method development and capacity improvement) and vertical (product inspection and testing). This will result in building further expertise, developing and adopting common best practices and protocols by the Member State Authorities (MSAs). Altogether, Energy Efficiency Compliant Products 3 (EEPLIANT3) is expected to substantially enhance the impacts and the overall effectiveness and efficiency of market surveillance across the European Union (EU).

The core objective of this proposal is to continue the transformation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the market surveillance work undertaken across the European Union (EU) in the field of the Energy Labelling Regulation 2017/1369 and the Ecodesign Directive 2009/125. This will be achieved through the coordination of the monitoring, verification and enforcement activities of 24 MSAs and 5 other organisations across the Single Market plus Turkey and through further enhancing their knowledge, skills and experience of doing this type of work. Key to this effort will be the development of strategic IT tools that overlap with every WP in the project and that aim to go beyond business as usual. These tools will help MSAs achieve greater results with the same level of resources, a necessity in light of the doubling of Ecodesign and energy labelling requirements over the past six years without equivalent increases in financing.
Furthermore, the project will seek to enhance the visibility and outreach of market surveillance activities by engaging with key stakeholders ― the ADCOs, the EU trade associations of the suppliers of the products to be inspected and consumer organisations. As a result, stakeholders will continue to build confidence in the increasing effectiveness of market surveillance in the EU/EEA.

The project directly addresses all the requirements identified in the Call. The Scope calls for strengthening the enforcement of these two pieces of legislation and specifically asks for supporting the monitoring, verification and enforcement activities of MSAs.
The main activity described in this proposal is the market surveillance of specific product sectors and the (further) development of tools – including innovative IT-tools – and methodologies in support of the MSAs. This work is to be undertaken by the responsible enforcement authorities in the Member States (MS) in liaison

Champ scientifique

CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 381 990,00
Coût total
€ 2 381 990,00

Participants (28)