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The trusted solution for issuing certified documents to the blockchain, checkable in just a click

Descripción del proyecto

Plataforma en línea para documentos certificados y verificables con un clic

Más de una tercera parte de todas las candidaturas laborales son fraudulentas, lo cual menoscaba el sector de la contratación. El proyecto Smart Certificate, financiado con fondos europeos, propone la plataforma Smart Certificate™, una plataforma segura para emitir cualquier documento certificado y permitir que su verificación sea accesible en línea con tan solo un clic. La innovación se basa en un método patentado (garantizando un enfoque respetuoso con la privacidad) y en una arquitectura de seguridad (comprobación, intercambio y creación seguros) que permite desarrollar una marca real de confianza para todos los usuarios de la plataforma. Asimismo, la plataforma permite emitir documentos desde la fuente, y ofrece un servicio fácil de utilizar directamente a cualquier destinatario del documento.


Like in many other sectors, fraud in the recruitment industry is estimated to play part in more than a third of employment applications. In a world where all parties can no longer trust each other, the whole system is being undermined. Trust is thus an essential but complicated concept to build, which remains fragile to maintain, and so easy to destroy. To tackle above mentioned challenges, we have developed Smart Certificate™, a secure platform to generate and share any kind of certified document and make its verification accessible online with one click. Our core innovation lies on the patented method and security architecture about how to create, share and check any kind of certified documents safely. From the personal data privacy point of view, institution, wanting to verify credential for recipient, needs first authorization from the person. This is a key issue proven by the market, where our platform solves it in the smartest way: by generating the credentials at the source and provide them with easy to use service directly to graduates and citizens. We foresee our closest benchmark for our entry market value proposition as a sub segment of education technology - the Learning Management Systems (LMS) market. The LMS market is expected to grow from €4.3 Billion in 2016 to €12.9 Billion by 2021, at a CAGR of 24.7%. CV Trust was launched in 2010. We are an international team of seasoned entrepreneurs with validated vision to create a true label of trust for the education world, job market and beyond. We have already serviced over 70 customers in the education sector. Upon completion of the project, we expect to reach project ROI of 9.79 by 2025.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 50 000,00

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Organización definida por ella misma como pequeña y mediana empresa (pyme) en el momento de la firma del acuerdo de subvención.

Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/ Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Arr. de Bruxelles-Capitale/Arr. Brussel-Hoofdstad
Tipo de actividad
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 71 429,00