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Carbon Captured Fuel and Energy Carriers for an Intensified Steel Off-Gases based Electricity Generation in a Smarter Industrial Ecosystem

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - C2FUEL (Carbon Captured Fuel and Energy Carriers for an Intensified Steel Off-Gases based Electricity Generation in a Smarter Industrial Ecosystem)

Période du rapport: 2020-12-01 au 2022-05-31

The hard-to-abate sectors need inventive solutions to reach decarbonization targets while simultaneously preserving a profitable business model. To this end, carbon capture and utilization (CCU) technology can play a key role in safeguarding the future of these industries to help them achieve carbon neutrality.
In this context, C2FUEL project aims to develop energy-efficient, economically and environmentally viable CO2 conversion technologies for the displacement of fossil fuel emissions. The target is to create a real interaction between carbon intensive industries, power production, and local economies. To achieve this goal, C2FUEL consortium will demonstrate, at industrially relevant scale, the capture of CO2 from industrial off-gases and its conversion into formic acid (FA) and Dimethylether (DME) as chemical energy carriers. These e-fuels will be locally used for transport through maritime/truck shuttle and green electricity transport and storage.
The peculiar advantage of the C2FUEL demonstration is its strategic location. Indeed, the concept will be demonstrated in Dunkirk, France, between DK6 combined cycle power plant, Arcelor Mittal steel factory and one of the major European harbors, as a strong showcase for future replication.
More precisely, the carbon dioxide present in the blast furnace gas will be selectively removed and combined with green hydrogen generated by high temperature water electrolysis. The system is fed with renewable electricity to produce the two final energy carriers. It will allow to simultaneously reuse CO2 emission from the steel-making factory, electricity surplus in the Dunkirk area and to improve the operational and environmental performance of the DK6 combined cycle.
C2FUEL project’s consortium is composed of 11 partners from 7 countries covering the whole value chain of CO2 conversion to e-fuel production. The consortium is committed to develop energy-efficient, economically and environmentally viable CO2 conversion technologies.
The first 36 months of C2FUEL project have been dedicated to pave the way towards the development of the different demonstration pilots that will be erected in the DK6 power plant. These mainly include the CO2 capture unit, the high temperature electrolysis unit and the DME production unit for which final design is now available and assembly has begun. Additionally, specific lab-work has been planned and performed to support the development of each of these bricks with the objective of making reliable, efficient and safe systems.
Regarding CO2 capture, a lab-scale absorption unit was built and commissioned to test and select the most suitable solvent and absorber technology. In addition, a small-scale replication of CO2 capture unit has been built and commissioned on DK6 power plant. First testing campaign on this unit was dedicated to MEA solvent. Results obtained in terms of CO2 absorption, production and outlet purity allows matches required specifications of downstream catalytic section and the technological choices made. Simulation models of gas absorption / solvent regeneration with different solvents based on a dedicated modelling help define the design of the final pilot, for which the final PID is available after HAZOP review and the assembly has begun.
Regarding high temperature electrolysis, Solid Oxide Electrolyzer Cells (SOEC), the project has already exceeded the target values for the specific energy consumption at ambient pressure. Long-term and dynamic testing have also been done. Meanwhile, the development and construction of HT electrolysis process is well advanced: assembly of the whole electrolysis unit including a compression step is almost finished. Finally, 3D modelling of the stacks has been particularized and is now achieved.
Regarding DME production, carbon membranes have been prepared and characterized at lab scale. Additionally, a bifunctional catalyst was selected and showed good performances in direct production of DME from CO2 hydrogenation in a single reactor. A 1D model of the membrane reactor has been developed to determine the optimal operating conditions, maximizing the one-pass CO2 conversion and DME yield and the required number of membranes. The final design of the DME brick has been established after safety analysis and the procurement and assembly will begin soon.
Regarding FA production, a list of catalysts has been identified for CO2 hydrogenation and are being tested to choose the most efficient. The experimental apparatus dedicated to this testing has been built and first tests have been done. For CO2 electro-reduction to FA, new electrolytic cells were designed and constructed to overcome the limiting CO2 diffusion problem. Sn, In and Bi have been selected as most promising electrocatalysts. A set of In-based catalysts were synthesized and characterized and are showing very promising results. For both pathways, modelling is-going with a peculiar focus on spinning disk reactors.
These R&D developments have been achieved in parallel to demonstration site preparation. Inputs have been gathered in order to have a global design and a global layout of the pilot demonstrator system to be installed at DK6 power plant. Safety and permitting aspects are under study as well.
Furthermore, the project develops a Formic Acid-to-Power genset. The system was designed, built and then tested in outdoor conditions. The technology will be then demonstrated within Dunkirk Harbour area. For the DME testing, the adaption and design of an existing test bench is achieved and first tests with diesel have been performed before the tests with commercial DME.
All the results generated within C2FUEL will be used through different assessments tasks to prepare future replications: social acceptance and environmental assessment have started and preliminary results are available. Finally, all the project results and advancements are being disseminated thanks to the dedicated website and LinkedIn page and the first technical C2FUEL international workshop was successfully co-organised in M21.
Regarding CO2 capture, the ability of membrane contactors to capture CO2 from blast furnace gases have been demonstrated thanks to the mini-pilot installed on DK6. Membrane contactors enable to intensify CO2 capture processes and reduce the exchange area needed and so the CAPEX of the installation.
Regarding DME production, the foreseen conversion rates exceed state-of-the-art due to the inherent advantages of membrane reactors, pushing thermodynamic equilibrium towards DME production. This process intensification of DME production through CO2 hydrogenation will enable both CAPEX and OPEX decrease while reducing CO2 emissions, leading e-DME (and by extension e-methanol) to competitivity with fossil DME (respectively methanol).
Regarding SOEC developments, the first cells testing has shown remarkable performance in terms of specific consumption which already exceeded the predefined project KPI. This result is of high importance as electrical consumption represents a large share of both hydrogen production cost and environmental impacts.
Regarding formic acid-to-power unit, tests on the novel genset will prove their technical feasibility for the first time. This type of gensets is very promising as it has a high potential to decentralized power generation: formic acid has the easy-to-handle aspect of diesel and the low environmental impacts of hydrogen.