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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Gender, Infrastructure and the Production of Domesticity in the (Post)Communist City

Descripción del proyecto

Género y vivienda en el Bucarest (pos)comunista

La caída del régimen comunista en Rumanía en 1989 y la emergencia de la democracia capitalista remodelaron las fronteras existentes hasta el momento entre lo público y lo privado. En ese contexto, la infraestructura de vivienda surgida durante el período comunista debía acomodar un nuevo tipo de domesticidad. El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos Domesticities determinará la importancia de la infraestructura de vivienda creada en el período 1955-1984 en relación con el hogar, la familia y el papel de la mujer en el Bucarest comunista y poscomunista. El proyecto define la domesticidad como un conjunto de hábitos y actitudes cambiantes, directamente relacionados con la intención política fomentada en los proyectos de vivienda comunistas. Domesticities explorará las interacciones entre los procesos de vivienda comunistas y las experiencias vividas por las mujeres actualmente.


This research proposes to investigate the relationship between gender, the (post)communist state and architecture in the passage from socialism to its aftermath in Bucharest, Romania. The project explores the manner in which housing infrastructure was employed as a political technology in the production of gendered subjectivities—that is, women’s embodied experience of the built environment—in the communist and post-communist periods. The fall of the communist regime in 1989 and the emergence of capitalist democracy served both to contest and reshape former boundaries between the private and the public realms. At the same time, housing infrastructure is the main inheritance of the communist system and constitutes, within a new socio-political condition permeated by Western images, the physical structure that must accommodate a new type of domesticity. The research defines domesticity as a changing set of attitudes and praxes that are specifically linked to the political intention embedded within the communist housing projects. The main research objective is to establish the significance of housing infrastructures built in Bucharest between 1955 -1984 in the regulation of the home, the family and women’s roles in the communist and post-communist periods. The research will achieve this objective by interrogating, on the one hand, the interaction between processes of regulating, designing, building, using and imagining socialist housing and, on the other hand, the actual lived experiences of women. The approach of this research project is interdisciplinary, employing ethnographic methods, archival research, and drawing on specific theoretical frameworks—from architecture, anthropology, and gender studies—for analysis and interpretation. The research will be a unique contribution to existing scholarship on the legacies of communism in states from Eastern Europe, by relating questions of gender to the constitution of domesticity through infrastructure.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 212 933,76
WC1E 6BT London
Reino Unido

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London Inner London — West Camden and City of London
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 212 933,76