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StakeHolder-based Analysis of REsearch for Decommissioning.

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SHARE (StakeHolder-based Analysis of REsearch for Decommissioning.)

Période du rapport: 2020-12-01 au 2022-03-31

SHARE (StakeHolders- based Analysis of REsearch for Decommissioning) is a Coordination Support Action funded by EU-H2020 program.
The objective of the project is the development, by early 2022, of a Strategic Research Agenda associated with a roadmap for next 10-15 years, to encourage future potential collaborative research actions, enabling stakeholders to jointly improve safety, reduce costs and minimize environmental impact in the Decommissioning of nuclear facilities, including Legacy Waste management and environment remediation on nuclear sites.

SHARE is based on a consultation process, where Stakeholders are involved at three levels among the worldwide Decommissioning community:
- A European consortium with 11 beneficiaries from major organisations involved in Decommissioning in Europe (CEA- Coordinator + Efficient Innovation/ ENRESA/ IFE/ JRC/ KIT/ LEI/ NNL/ SCK-CEN/ SOGIN/ VTT)
- An Expert review panel with 12 members, including industrials, operators, WMO, TSO research institutes, academia, organisations out of Europe (EPRI, CRIEPI, JAEA, KAERI), and international organizations (NEA and IAEA)
- The wider community all over the value chain, of decommissioning and legacy waste actors having an interest in our project (Around 500 already interested if we add people who answered to the survey with people who attended our workshop, 1-3 December 2020)

During this process, developed within 8 thematic areas, needs of stakeholders (issues, challenges, opportunities, etc.) are first investigated and ranked with respect to importance and urgency and, in parallel, existing solutions on sites and on-going international initiatives and on-going developments are identified.
Then collaborative actions able to fill existing gaps are proposed and classified by key topic and time scale, with proposal of collaborative schemes for future implementation.
More information at:
linkedin/group SHARE Road map for Decommissioning
The second reporting period was strongly impacted by the coordinator change in July 2021 and the difficulties produced by the Covid measures.
For WP 3, the Consortium organized a work session at the DigiDecom conference held online in March 2022. It was dedicated to consolidating the gap analysis output that was produced from the contribution of the Stakeholders in the two earlier workshops. The community of 222 registered Stakeholders to this event provided helpful input and proposed more actions that were included in the deliverable. WP3.2 was finally released in June 2021 proposing over 200 actions that are categorized in four action types in the 8 thematic areas.
In the following months, WP4 started and while working intensely at processing the data from the gap analysis for the SRA, in July 2021, coordination changed. The first result in this work package was to redefine the action types: The contributors agreed that the categories “RD&D”, “Knowledge sharing”, “Harmonization of practices” and “Education and training” allow for less ambiguous sorting of the actions. Furthermore, the non-technical areas were grouped and some actions were moved between the thematic areas. For the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA), inside the respective thematic areas, the actions were prioritized according to their importance rating in the questionnaire survey. By March 2022, the consortium had finished this data processing and submitted the SRA (D4.1).
In parallel, WP3 worked on D3.3. The deliverable entitled “Report identifying and comparing international collaborative research initiatives” contains a table listing international collaboration tools. The list was established by brainstorming and, then, refined by the most adequate consortium partners. Each tools/mechanism was characterized by set of questions concerning funding sources, associated SRA thematic area, geography, scope, eligibility, form of output, number of partners, scale and possible examples. The deliverable was submitted in March 2021.
Finally, WP4 continued to work on the roadmap by associating the urgency rating from the questionnaire survey to proposed actions in the SRA. In the next step, actions with the same urgency rating category (low, medium, high) were merged where appropriate. Integrated in this deliverable is the last deliverable D4.3 which gives an outlook on possible opportunities to put the actions into practice. The deliverable is in revision.
For WP5, several conferences were attended by the consortium members: DEM 2021 in Avginon, the ATSR 2021 in Cadarache, the IAEA RWM 2021, and the online seminar of the MICADO project. In February 2021. The consortium organized a one-day seminar presenting the results of the SRA. The seminar had constant participation of around 100 people around the whole day and led to interesting discussion and thinking that was woven into the future work.
Finally, for WP6, the consortium and executive committee meetings were held. Reporting was prepared and executed.
The SHARE project, continued to focus on making explicit the needs of the international stakeholder community in nuclear decommissioning. To this end, it relies on the wide number and variety of stakeholders involved in its process of building gap analysis, SRA and road map, compared to other previous initiatives in this field based only on analysis from international experts.

Additionally to the outcome presented in the last reporting period, the consortium consolidated the actions propositions of the Stakeholders. This allowed the building of a comprehensive Strategic Research Agenda for nuclear decommissioning. It is noted that needs and actions identified in the Share project have significant overlap with what is proposed in other SRAs build on expert analysis. It can be concluded that this supports the diagnostic ability of the classical approaches from expert initiatives

Next, it was found that determining need in this “bottom-up” way needs a lot of communication and expert consultation. Indeed, while difficulties are easily identified, proposing an adequate action is less trivial. Proposed actions must be screened for vagueness, redundancy, feasibility, scale of execution.

SHARE is committed to:
-Assist policy makers when deciding of most appropriate actions for financial support over the coming decades.
-Encourage collaborative projects among organizations sharing common interests
-Facilitate access to expertise and technology and maintain competences and possibly lead to better future harmonization of technological approaches used in decommissioning.