Description du projet
Former des scientifiques pour réparer le vieillissement des tissus
La fontaine de jouvence restant introuvable, les scientifiques étudient de plus en plus la biologie à l’origine du vieillissement, dans l’espoir de renforcer la santé et la longévité. L’intérêt dans le développement de médicaments traitant le processus de vieillissement est croissant. C’est l’objectif du projet ARDRE, financé par l’UE. Il mettra en place un réseau de formation doctorale destiné aux scientifiques en début de carrière pour explorer les mécanismes, conservés tout au long de l’évolution, du vieillissement et de la régénération, et mener des recherches pharmaceutiques. Il lancera le programme doctoral pour découvrir de nouvelles molécules impliquées dans le vieillissement ou la régénération, ou susceptibles de les contrer, et dévoiler les mécanismes moléculaires du vieillissement et de la régénération. Le projet organisera le recrutement de 12 chercheurs en début de carrière dans le cadre de deux appels d’offres ultérieurs.
The main purpose of the Ageing, Regeneration, and Drug Research doctoral programme (ARDRE-DP) consortium is to set up a PhD training network of the highest level possible with regard to recruitment, training and mentoring of early career scientists as laid down in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The ARDRE-DP is dedicated to equip the PhD students with the scientific competence and soft skills, including ethical aspects, required to succeed in the contemporary competitive scientific community globally. The students will benefit from the highly productive ARDRE team of scientists, who have complementary expertise and novel research tools available to study cellular mechanisms of ageing and regeneration. ARDRE will explore evolutionarily conserved mechanisms of ageing and regeneration from various phyla across the kingdom of life. The aim is to discover new molecules, including natural compounds involved in, or potentially counteracting ageing or regeneration, and to unravel molecular mechanisms leading to disabilities associated with old age. This is important considering the urgent need to combat the pressing issues related to our ever-increasing segment of elderly people. Recruitment of 12 early stage researchers will be organised in two subsequent calls. Each of the four years' doctoral projects will include up to six months of international secondment activity. The beneficiary, the University of Innsbruck (UIBK), is committed to support research into ageing, stem cell and regeneration biology, and drug discovery, taking advantage of the powerful existing expertise in the Faculty of Biology and the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy. The ARDRE-DP will be complemented by an ancillary network of partner organisations from the academic and non-academic sector, providing further opportunities for international and inter-sectoral training of the PhD students.
Champ scientifique
Régime de financement
MSCA-COFUND - Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND)Coordinateur
6020 Innsbruck