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taRgeted thErapy for adVanced colorEctal canceR paTients

Descripción del proyecto

Modelo de medicina personalizada para el tratamiento del cáncer colorrectal avanzado

El proyecto REVERT, financiado con fondos europeos, abordará a escala de los sistemas la patofisiología del cáncer colorrectal avanzado en pacientes que responden bien o mal a los tratamientos con el objetivo de diseñar una estrategia óptima para las intervenciones terapéuticas en función de las características de los pacientes. Este objetivo se alcanzará mediante un gran número de muestras normalizadas de biobancos y bases de datos clínicos de diversos centros clínicos europeos, incluyendo biomarcadores de pronóstico tanto conocidos como nuevos y potenciales. Tras el análisis de los datos basado en la IA, se evaluarán los resultados para comprobar el efecto de REVERT-DataBase sobre la supervivencia y la calidad de vida en ensayos clínicos prospectivos. El proyecto también generará una extensa red de socios académicos e industriales centrada en el desarrollo de una medicina personalizada.


The REVERT project will address the specific challenge of understanding at system level the pathophysiology of mCRC cancer in patients responding well or poorly to therapies, in order to design optimal strategy for mCRC on a case by case basis, with therapeutic interventions modulated depending on patient’s features. Accordingly, REVERT will build up an innovative artificial intelligence (AI)-based decision support system using the experience and the real-world data of several general Hospitals operating in the EU healthcare system ultimately aimed at developing an improved and innovative model of combinatorial therapy - based on a personalised medicine approach - that identifies the most efficient and cost-effective therapeutic intervention for patients with unresectable mCRC. This goal will be pursued through the building of the REVERT-DataBase (RDB) thanks to a large number of standardized biobank samples with related structured data, and clinical databases (including known clinical and biological features as well as new, potential prognostic/predictive biomarkers) from several major clinical European centres. The RDB, in turn, will be used to build a sophisticated computational framework based on AI to evaluate its impact on survival and quality of life in a prospective clinical trial through testing of new treatment sequences of the available and authorised molecular targeted drugs in patients with mCRC. In the end, the REVERT will also generate an EU- network among SMEs, Research Institutions, Clinical Centres and Biobanks focused on R&D in the field of AI-Health for the development of personalised medicine.
The REVERT software system will ensure the integrity of data and privacy management in respect to national rules, the EU's GDPR (Reg. EU 2016/679) and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The RDB and AI services will be open to all partners during and after project’s completion, available also to EU research Institutions for future studies.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Convocatoria de subcontratación


Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 998 125,00
00163 Roma Rm

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Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Tipo de actividad
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 998 125,00

Participantes (22)