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CORDIS - EU research results

Neural Computations Underlying Social Behavior in Complex Sensory Environments

Project description

Understanding the neural basis of socialising

What are the neural computations underlying social behaviour in groups? How are multi-modal cues integrated to control and switch between courtship and aggression? How does sensory processing adapt in big crowds to target the behaviour of individual members of the group? The EU-funded NeuSoSen project seeks to answer these questions. It will combine computational modelling and genetic tools. Machine learning will help the project quantify and model the fine structure of social interactions to identify the social cues that drive behaviour. Ultimately, the project aims to uncover the computational principles and mechanisms by which sensory information is processed to drive behaviour in the complex sensory environment of animal groups.


Animals often interact in groups. Animal groups constitute complex sensory environments which challenge the brain and engage complex neural computations. This behavioral context is therefore fruitful for understanding how sophisticated neural computations give rise to behavior. However, it is also technically difficult since many of the relevant sensory cues arise from the members of the group and are therefore hard to quantify or control. Consequently, we only incompletely understand how the brain drives complex social behaviors in naturalistic contexts. To uncover the neural computations underlying social behavior in groups, we are using Drosophila, which provides unprecedented experimental access to the nervous system via genetic tools. Drosophila gathers on rotten fruit to feed and mate. Courtship and aggression dominate social interactions and rely on the recognition of sex-specific chemical cues and the production of context-specific acoustic signals. How are these multi-modal cues integrated to control and switch between courtship and aggression? How is unstable and conflicting sensory information resolved to promote stable behavioral strategies? How does sensory processing adapt to socially crowded environments in order to efficiently target behavior at individual members of the group? These issues will be addressed by combining computational modeling and genetic tools. Using machine learning, we will quantify and model the fine structure of social interactions to identify the social cues that drive behavior. Closed-loop optogenetics and calcium imaging in behaving animals will allow us to test the models and to ultimately reveal how the brain integrates, selects and combines social cues to drive social interactions. This multi-disciplinary approach will uncover the computational principles and mechanisms by which sensory information is processed to drive behavior in the complex sensory environment of animal groups.

Host institution

Net EU contribution
€ 1 476 920,00
Robert-Koch-Strasse 40
37075 Goettingen

See on map

Niedersachsen Braunschweig Göttingen
Activity type
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Total cost
€ 1 476 920,00

Beneficiaries (1)