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Regional disparities in cause-specific mortality in Europe: the role of local context and national health policies

Project description

Advanced tools to address mortality inequality

Mortality inequality exists. While the majority of studies focus on international differences in mortality, there is considerable regional variation within national populations. The EU-funded REDIM project will focus on this aspect exploring the wide variations that exist across the EU. The findings will assist policymakers to develop and implement health policies to reduce the inequalities both across and within the EU Member States. The project will answer two questions: How does mortality decline across space? To what extent do national borders determine health borders? In addition to the answers, REDIM will also provide advanced tools for evaluating the effectiveness of policies from the community to the regional level.


Current socio-epidemiologic theories often perceive mortality (health) inequalities as a given and largely ignore the fundamental questions concerning their origin. Furthermore, the majority of prior studies on international differences in mortality have focused on cross-country differences without taking into account substantial regional variation within national populations. REDIM goes beyond the state of the art through performing a large-scale systematic investigation of the reasons for persisting and emerging spatial disparities in mortality across European countries. The scientific output of the project is crucial for developing and coordinating health policies aimed at reducing geographical inequalities in mortality across and within European countries.

The project intends to quantify the degree of convergence/divergence in cause-specific mortality that occurs between subnational entities in Europe, and to identify determinants of these changes. REDIM focuses on two specific research questions:

1) How does the process of the general mortality decline diffuse across space, and what causes of death contribute most to this diffusion?
2) To what extent do national borders determine health borders?

REDIM will tackle these research questions through analysing cause-specific mortality patterns and trends at NUTS-3 and NUTS-2 levels across 19 European countries. Mortality indicators will be interpreted in conjunction with contextual variables capturing the effects of local context and national health policies.

The proposed research agenda is highly relevant to the context of the integration process within the European Union which strives to enhance coordination of policies to promote more equal access to all benefits and assets in society including health. Apart from expected ground-breaking scientific output, REDIM will provide advanced tools for evaluating the effectiveness of policies within the framework of the European Spatial Development Perspective.

Host institution

Net EU contribution
€ 1 423 858,00
65185 Wiesbaden

See on map

Hessen Darmstadt Wiesbaden, Kreisfreie Stadt
Activity type
Research Organisations
Total cost
€ 1 423 858,00

Beneficiaries (1)