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BATTERY 2030+ At the heart of a connected green society

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BATTERY 2030 (BATTERY 2030+ At the heart of a connected green society)

Período documentado: 2019-03-01 hasta 2020-05-31

The project was a 15-month Coordination and Support Action (CSA) in preparation for a large-scale research initiative on future battery technologies, BATTERY 2030+.
The BATTERY 2030+ initiative aims to support the transition to a climate-neutral Europe, as described in the European Green Deal, and to be an important tool in the Green Recovery Plan, in which energy storage with batteries is a key technology. For Europe to become globally competitive and to keep and increase its number of jobs, we need excellent research aligned with the long-term vision of supporting emerging battery cell production, to deliver sustainable ultra-high-performance battery solutions for industrial sectors and society in general.
The BATTERY 2030+ vision is accordingly to invent the sustainable batteries of the future, to provide breakthrough technologies to the European battery industry throughout the value chain, and to enable long-term European leadership in both existing markets (e.g. road transport and stationary energy storage) and future emerging applications (e.g. robotics, aerospace, medical devices, and the Internet of things).
BATTERY 2030+ consists of a core group of 17 partners, all leaders in their fields, from nine European countries. Furthermore, several European associations and networks are engaged in a supporting organisation reference group comprising 70 universities and roughly 90 companies.
The specific objectives of this CSA were threefold:
- to formulate the BATTERY 2030+ roadmap with a vision, extending past ten years, of inventing the sustainable batteries of the future; the roadmap defines key obstacles to overcome in order to achieve ultra-high-performance sustainable batteries with smart functionalities that are safe, low cost, scalable, durable, and predictable with long lifetimes;
- in line with the roadmap, to propose R&I actions to be implemented in the following years; and
- to obtain official support and engagement from key stakeholders and EU Member States for the vision and goals described in the BATTERY 2030+ roadmap.
BATTERY 2030+ proposes a “chemistry-neutral” approach to transformational research actions as the fastest way to discover new battery materials and concepts and to enable and improve the different generations of battery chemistries described in the SET Plan action 7.
To achieve these objectives, the project was structured as three Technical Work Packages and one additional Work Package dedicated to project management.
During this CSA, the consortium has produced the following:

A scientific roadmap, firmly supported by stakeholders in the battery field, and a comprehensive survey of the state of the art in the field have been established, published, and made publicly available. This roadmap has a vision extending past ten years of transformational research needed to reach the goal of the European SET Plan action 7. The roadmap presents three overarching research themes and six research areas needed in order to invent the sustainable batteries of the future with smart functionalities. A Europe-wide consultation process has focused and developed this roadmap to its current status during the CSA. A written consultation was undertaken to obtain input from the 1300 individuals who had endorsed the initiative before summer 2019. Moreover, several workshops with different stakeholders were organised, including one for members of two associations involving industrial partners and RTOs. The roadmap was presented and discussed at a large stakeholder conference in Brussels at the end of November 2019 that attracted more than 220 participants. The final published roadmap was presented at the scientific BATTERY 2030+ two-half-day web conference held at the end of May with more than 1000 registered participants.

R&I actions reflecting the roadmap content were suggested for the progress of the BATTERY 2030+ initiative beyond this CSA period. These actions build on the first wave of research topics addressed by the LC-BAT-12,13,14-2020 calls of 2020. Complementary topics have been suggested to Batteries Europe and

Stakeholder engagement has been secured through an endorsement campaign attracting 1400 individuals to sign up for BATTERY 2030+. More than 22 visits have been made to Member States and associated countries to describe BATTERY 2030+ content in national and regional workshops. We have also presented the concept of BATTERY 2030+ in 42 workshops, scientific conferences, and EU meetings such as ICT, EUSEW, EU R&I days, and LENS colloquia. We are also active on Twitter and LinkedIn and have dialogue with a broad audience.

The BATTERY 2030+ initiative will continue for another three-year CSA to oversee the implementation of the roadmap and coordinate the research activities of the LC-BAT-12,13,14-2020 projects. For more information see and a short film
To our knowledge, no comparable battery-sector initiatives have the long-term vision of being chemistry neutral and transformative, in order to accelerate the development of existing and future battery concepts to reach ultra-high and smart performance. The existing European and international battery or energy-storage roadmaps describe timelines when different generations of battery chemistries will appear and what research is needed for the most promising future chemistries. These roadmaps mainly address the upcoming generation that will appear on the market and mainly target the transport sector. Moreover, in our roadmap we also address the need to incorporate, from the outset, cross-cutting elements such as manufacturability and recyclability. This is a new way of thinking about advancing battery research and innovation.

We believe that the formation of a large-scale battery research initiative in itself marks progress beyond the state of the art. This accomplishment has been accompanied by strong engagement from the battery community in Europe. By working together towards the common goals of inventing the sustainable batteries of the future, providing breakthrough technologies to the European battery industry throughout the value chain, and enabling long-term European leadership in both existing markets and future emerging applications, we will break new ground. BATTERY 2030+ will continue for another three-year CSA to coordinate the winners of the LC-BAT-12,13,14-2020 projects.
Green battery EU
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Auditorium Workshop 20 Nov
The BATTERY 2030+ chemistry neutral approach incl research areas