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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Biologic Lycopene from Tomatoes

Descripción del proyecto

El licopeno ecológico está listo para entrar en el mercado

El licopeno es un potente antioxidante que se encuentra principalmente en los tomates y en las frutas rojas y rosas, y que se ha vinculado con una amplia gama de efectos beneficiosos. Licofarma espera convertirse en la primera empresa en introducir licopeno ecológico producido sin sustancias químicas procedente de tomates ecológicos certificados. Prevé conseguirlo a través de una tecnología de procesos única con patente internacional. Los productos existentes de la competencia son mayoritariamente sintéticos, por lo que su coste y calidad son menores, además de que los productos, principalmente tomates, presentan agentes tóxicos. Se prevé que el licopeno ecológico llegue al mercado con un valor de 84 millones USD y se espera un crecimiento del 3 % en 2019.


Licofarma aims to be the first company to bring on the market Organic Lycopene, produced without chemical solvents from fresh organic-certified tomatoes, through a unique, internationally patented process technology. Lycopene is an antioxidant compound very important for human health, preventing a number of life-threatening and chronic diseases. Despite its benefits, Lycopene has two problems: it has to be taken through diet, as the body cannot produce it, and current production processes involve chemical solvents and toxic impurities. Licofarma patented technology extracts Lycopene from organic- quality tomatoes without any chemical solvents, using only CO2 in supercritical conditions. The end product has unmatched quality features: absence of toxic agents and impurities, high bioavailability, high antioxidant and cancer-prevention properties, high-quality food colouring, 100% natural and organic certification and environment-friendly and safe production process. Competitor products are Synthetic lycopene from chemical synthesis, which has lower cost, high presence of toxic agents and poor quality, and Natural lycopene from tomatoes, which has average cost, still toxic agents and lower quality than Licofarma’s product. Both products cannot be organic certified and have high impact on environment and safety. Organic Lycopene will be offered on the market in bulk form, for producers, and directly to consumers as ingredient of dietary supplements and ophthalmic products. The Lycopene production market value is foreseen at 84M€ in 2018 (300 tons/year) with yearly growth higher than 3%. Licofarma target is to reach an annual production of about 10 tons/year (3,2% share). The product will boost growth of the company, generating almost 40M€ cumulated revenues in 5 years and creating 16 new jobs. The total financial requirement amounts to about 5M€, of which 4.3M€ in tangible assets over 2 years, with an internal return rate of over 50% and Net Present Value of 14M€.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 50 000,00

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Organización definida por ella misma como pequeña y mediana empresa (pyme) en el momento de la firma del acuerdo de subvención.

Sud Puglia Lecce
Tipo de actividad
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 71 429,00