Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CUBE (Unravelling the secrets of Cu-based catalysts for C-H activation)
Reporting period: 2021-11-01 to 2023-04-30
New spectroscopic methods have been developed. In particular, a combination of XAS and VtC XES was applied to a series of copper model complexes spanning formal oxidation states from Cu(I) to Cu(III). By combining these experimental data with computations, it was shown that the spectroscopic oxidation states may be robustly assessed and that experimental evidence for the controversial Cu(III) oxidation state assignment could be supported [5]. The method is currently applied to CUBE-relevant samples. In the area of Cu-zeolites, a relevant achievement was the development of a new approach to quantify the amount of Cu(I) with a standard volumetric apparatus bypassing the use of a facilities such as XAS measurement [6]. Catalytic studies are on-going.
Furthermore, the team has developed novel tools for looking deeper into LPMO catalysis, such as stopped-flow methods combined with spectroscopic methods for detection of intermediates under turnover conditions. A large collection of natural and engineered LPMO variants has been produced, where mutations in the first and second coordination sphere have been shown to modulate enzyme performance in a manner that can be linked to the reactivity and stability of the catalytic copper site. The unraveling of structure-function correlations is underway, utilizing a combination of (transient) kinetics, spectroscopic and computational approaches, which should help reveal how nature uniquely tunes the reactivity of LPMO active sites. These studies will provide vital input for the next generation of engineered biological, molecular and heterogeneous catalysts.