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Multidisciplinary Institute of Ageing - Portugal

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - MIA-Portugal (Multidisciplinary Institute of Ageing - Portugal)

Période du rapport: 2022-07-01 au 2023-12-31

European societies are currently falling ever deeper into a ‘longevity trap’: people live longer but the incidences of most age-associated diseases (diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases) increase. Similarly, the onset of frailty and disability is not delayed in parallel to increased lifespan. The consequence of this longevity trap at individual level is a significant decrease of quality of life for an increasing fraction of the individual lifespan. At societal level, it leads to an ever-increasing fraction of people suffering from multiple diseases, disabilities, and frailty despite ever increasing spending on health and care services. This is because the underlying ageing process constitutes the main risk factor and most probably represents the ultimate cause for all these diseases and disabilities. The current treatments for individual diseases are unlikely to significantly influence the natural ageing process, primarily due to our limited understanding of its underlying biological mechanisms.
MIA-Portugal is the first Centre of Excellence devoted to fundamental and translational ageing research in Southern Europe. It aims to gather a critical mass of excellent researchers to unravel the key biological processes underlying the ageing process. This new generated knowledge will support the development of predictive and preventive medicine and advanced therapeutics in ageing and age-related diseases. In turn, promotion and transfer of innovative practices and services will ensure the long-term sustainability of MIA-Portugal. MIA-Portugal will foster the emergence of talent (human capital) through advanced PhD and postdoctoral training in ageing research, building on the established structure at UC and its unique biomedical environment. Profiting from its position as a scientific leader of Ageing@Coimbra and the collaboration with academic and industry partners, and business incubators, ultimately MIA-Portugal will promote economic growth and highly-qualified jobs in the center region of Portugal. Overall, these activities are expected to contribute to extend health span for European Citizens and reduce the economic burden imposed to the national health and social care systems.
Since the launch of the project, we established the management team to oversee the operations of MIA-Portugal. This team operates with its distinct leadership and governance structure, ensuring a significant level of autonomy and decision-making capability. Additionally, MIA-Portugal benefits from the guidance of its International Advisory Board, Ethics Advisory Board, and the Advocacy Committee, further enhancing its strategic direction and ethical framework. The composition of our research teams has been finalized, comprising eight distinct research groups. Presently, three of these groups are fully operational and productive. The remaining groups are actively engaged in the process of recruiting staff and setting up their respective laboratories to initiate their research projects.
As for the building that will host MIA-Portugal, it is currently in its final stages of construction, expected for completion by the first semester of 2024. During 2024 and 2025, furniture and scientific equipment will be purchased and installed and relocation of researchers to the new building is anticipated to take place in 2025 and 2026.
Meanwhile, MIA-Portugal groups have made significant advances in generating high-quality publications and knowledge, aimed at advancing knowledge on ageing and age-associated diseases. Additionally, their efforts in securing complementary funding have yielded a notably high success rate. Furthermore, MIA-Portugal has forged collaboration agreements with research institutes within the Coimbra ecosystem.
Training of the next generation of ageing researchers was also promoted by establishing doctoral courses covering ageing-related topics (EIT Health Ageing PhD School), organizing a series of seminars in the field of ageing research (Ageing Seminars), and joint supervision of PhD students among teaming partners. MIA-Portugal researchers and teaming partners are also working together to develop a PhD program on Ageing and to coordinate the 2nd MIA-Portugal Ageing Spring School, to be held in May 2024, in Coimbra.
MIA-Portugal made significant progress with the recruitment of group leaders with an international career path. However, we still need to hire the remaining team members, including post-doctoral researchers and technicians. Consequently, we anticipate that we may not achieve our impact goals in the immediate future.
However, in the short term, MIA-Portugal has been having a significant impact at both scientific and societal levels. This is evidenced by the growing number of publications authored by MIA-Portugal researchers, the rise in competitive funding acquisition, and the extensive dissemination and communication initiatives we have undertaken.
Organizing, promoting, and energizing societal activities has been a primary objective for MIA-Portugal, including initiatives such as the MIA-Portugal Ageing Spring School, the European Researchers' Night, and the International Brain Awareness Week. MIA-Portugal is also developing a training and development program to help our researchers develop their careers as research leaders.
By the end of the project, we expect to have established a financially sustainable centre of excellence in ageing research, and to be executing our translational, clinical, and business plans for long-term socio-economic impact.
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