Cancer is a leading health concern. There is a need to fully understand the fundamental processes underlying development of cancer. There is increasing evidence that G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and their associated signalling cascades are involved in both cancer progression and metastasis. As oncogenic GPCRs are likely to be amenable to manipulation via drugs they are ideal therapeutic targets. ONCORNET2.0 builds on the success of ONCORNET (Oncogenic GPCR Network of Excellence and Training), a first-in-kind ETN in GPCR drug discovery that has successfully delivered scientific advance and training to talented early stage researchers (ESRs). ONCORNET2.0 will incorporate recent scientific and technological advances to understand and target two oncogenic GPCRs; the chemokine receptors CXCR4 and ACKR3, formerly known as CXCR7. Both receptors are highly expressed in a range of tumours and yet their role in cancer progression is not well understood. Within ONCORNET2.0 we will develop new strategies for CXCR4/ACKR3modulation (photochemistry, nanobodies) and investigate their effects on oncogenic responses, to yield key new knowledge and potential leads for drug development and commercialisation.
The key objective of this MSCA-ITN-ONCORNET2.0 initiative is to train the next generation of 15 ESRs by offering an extensive multidisciplinary training programme to ensure that they can operate in today’s drug discovery programmes. This includes both research (e.g. drug discovery, proteomics, imaging, modelling) and transferable (e.g. entrepreneurship, writing, media training) skill sets – that is rarely offered at PhD level.