CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Iterated SNWD design specification fabrication delivery
Optimized ion steering and Chip cleaning in cryochamberOptimized ion steering and Chip cleaning in cryochamber
SNWD sensitivity to internal molecular energyReport on SNWD sensitivity to internal molecular energy
Validation 5: Peptides with green PCTs synthesized and validatedValidation 3: peptides/proteins detected by 8-pixel SNWA prototype
Validation 3 peptidesproteins detected by 8pixel SNWA prototype
Validation 9: Preparation of a mass selected neutral protein beamValidation 9 Preparation of a mass selected neutral protein beam
128-pixel array prototype, shipped Vienna128pixel packaged array prototype shipped to Vienna
Report on reliability in UHV, thermal cycling, molecular irradiationReport on reliability in UHV thermal cycling molecular irradiation
Strategies for increasing density and collimation of neutral protein beamsValidation 2: Optimized SNWD tested with proteins
Validation 2 Optimized SNWD tested with proteins
Validation 11: SNWD assisted detection of absorption in neutral macromoleculesValidation 11 SNWD assisted detection of absorption in neutral macromolecules
Validation 6: Peptides with blue PCTs synthesized and validatedValidation 6 Peptides with blue PCTs synthesized and validated
Complete mass spectrometer design: selectors, optics zones, cryogenic chamber8-pixel packaged array prototype, shipped to Vienna
8pixel packaged array prototype shipped to Vienna
Validation 8: SNWD detection of singly-charged mass selected 100 kDa proteinsValidation 8 SNWD detection of singlycharged mass selected 100 kDa proteins
Validation 10: SNWD assisted detection of absorption in biopolymer ionsValidation 10 SNWD assisted detection of absorption in biopolymer ions
Up-to date information on the project
Y. Peng, J. Benserhir, M. Castaneda, A. Fognini, C. Bruschini and E. Charbon
Published in:
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2024, ISSN 1557-9670
M. Strauß, A. Shayeghi, M.F.X. Mauser, P. Geyer, T. Kostersitz, J. Salapa, O. Dobrovolskiy, S. Daly, J. Commandeur, Y. Hua, V. Köhler, M. Mayor, J. Benserhir, C. Bruschini, E. Charbon, M. Castaneda, M. Gevers, R. Gourgues, N. Kalhor, A. Fognini, and M. Arndt
Published in:
Science Advances, Issue 9, 2023, Page(s) 48, ISSN 2375-2548
American Society Association for the Advancement of Science
Yong Hua, Marcel Strauss, Sergey Fisher, Martin F. X. Mauser, Pierre Manchet, Martina Smacchia, Philipp Geyer, Armin Shayeghi, Michael Pfeffer, Tim Henri Eggenweiler, Steven Daly, Jan Commandeur, Marcel Mayor, Markus Arndt, Tomáš Šolomek, and Valentin Köhler
Published in:
JACS, 2023, ISSN 2691-3704
ACS Publications
Yong Hua, Marcel Strauss, Sergey Fisher, Martin F. X. Mauser , Pierre Manchet, Martina Smacchia, Philipp Geyer, Armin Shayeghi, Michael Pfeffer, Tim Henri Eggenweiler, Steven Daly,
Jan Commandeur, Marcel Mayor, Markus Arndt, Tomáš Šolomek, Valentin Köhler
Published in:
Yong Hua, Zhi Zou, Alessandro Prescimone,Thomas R. Ward, Marcel Mayor, Valentin Köhler
Published in:
Marcel Strauß, Armin Shayeghi, Martin Mauser, Pierre Manchet, Martina Smacchia, Julia Salapa, Tim Kostersitz, Philipp Geyer, Steven Daly, Jan Commandeur, Yong Hua, Alfredo Di Silvestro, Marcel Mayor, Valentin Köhler, Jad Benserhir, Claudio Bruschini, Edoardo Charbon, Mario Castaneda, Monique Gevers, Ronan Gourgues, Nima Kalhor, Andreas Fognini, Markus Arndt
Published in:
Proceedings of SPIE - Proceedings Volume 12447, Quantum Sensing, Imaging, and Precision Metrology; 124470I (2023), 2023, Page(s) 124470I-1 to 124470I-7
Proceedings of SPIE
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