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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

SMART agriculture for innovative vegetable crop PROTECTion: harnessing advanced methodologies and technologies

Description du projet

Une technologie agricole avancée pour protéger les cultures

La lutte intégrée contre les organismes nuisibles (IPM) repose sur le regroupement de pratiques visant à éliminer les populations d’organismes nuisibles. L’IPM revêt une importance déterminante pour la politique agricole européenne relative à une production maraîchère compétitive et durable. Le projet SMARTPROTECT, financé par l’UE, entend mettre au point une solution intelligente d’IPM qui fournira une technologie agricole et une analyse de données avancées. SMARTPROTECT identifiera les besoins des agriculteurs et proposera des méthodes IPM à appliquer de manière quotidienne à la fois dans les champs et dans les serres. SMARTPROTECT mettra en place une plateforme en ligne qui réunira, partagera, gérera et distribuera des connaissances sur l’IPM. Les résultats du projet seront communiqués à travers la plateforme en ligne interagissant avec des initiatives régionales, nationales et européennes telles que les réseaux ruraux nationaux et le PEI-AGRI.


SMARTPROTECT is a thematic network focusing on cross regional knowledge sharing of SMART IPM solutions for farmers and advisors. The aim is to stimulate knowledge flow in the regional AKISs across the EU and connect these on the innovative potential of advanced methodologies for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in vegetable production, integrating precision farming technologies and data analytics. Through a well-balanced consortium and an emphasis on multi-actor approach the outcome of the project and exploitation of its results will stimulate an increased adaptation of IPM methodologies, taking the specific regional needs of farmers across Europe into account. The EU-wide concern for environmental sustainability and economic competitiveness for agriculture requires the entire agriculture sector to grow under IPM conditions. This project develops a basis for a common EU approach to collecting, sharing, managing and disseminating knowledge on IPM in order to maximise the knowledge flow. Farmers from different European regions will thus dispose of the latest knowledge, best practices and practical tools for the implementation of IPM in their daily practice in crops in open field and greenhouses. The project provides an e-platform for exchange on a variety of innovative IPM techniques. We will benchmark practices in the frame of their socio-economic and regulatory context, select those with a high innovation potential and disseminate them through participatory events including cross border exchange visits. Local and regional knowledge sharing will lead to interactive cross-regional seminars for farmers and advisors, resulting in a final SMARTPROTECT innovation rally. The project’s results will be deployed through a targeted communication and wide dissemination strategy, providing an online data sharing platform and close interaction with EU and national initiatives and projects, the National Rural Networks and the EIP-AGRI.

Appel à propositions


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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 295 062,50

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Vlaams Gewest Prov. West-Vlaanderen Arr. Roeselare
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 295 062,50

Participants (16)