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A safe DIVA vaccine for African Swine Fever control and eradication

Description du projet

Un nouveau vaccin contre la peste porcine africaine

La peste porcine africaine (PPA) est une maladie infectieuse dévastatrice chez les porcs, généralement mortelle. Aucun vaccin n’existe pour lutter contre ce virus. L’Union européenne a établi des mesures de prévention et de contrôle à appliquer en cas de suspicion ou de confirmation de peste porcine africaine, soit dans les exploitations, soit chez les sangliers. Le projet VACDIVA, financé par l’UE, fournira trois vaccins pilotes, prêts pour l’enregistrement, sûrs et efficaces destinés aux sangliers et aux porcs domestiques. Il validera également des tests et développera des stratégies efficaces et rentables de surveillance et de vaccination d’urgence. Des essais sur le terrain seront menés au Kenya et en Lituanie. La modélisation épidémiologique de scénarios mondiaux sera proposée dans un portefeuille de services pour aider les autorités de santé animale à contrôler et à éradiquer la maladie.


African Swine Fever (ASF) is one of the most important viral diseases affecting swine, with a serious socio-economic impact. It is present in more than 13 countries in Europe (10 in the EU), 28 sub-Saharan African countries, and 2 Asian countries, China and Mongolia. No vaccine is available and recent incursions in Europe and Asia are jeopardizing the pig industry worldwide. Control of ASF is based on early diagnosis and the implementation of strict sanitary measures. However, measures taken by affected countries have not been sufficient to stop spread.
The objective of VACDIVA is to solve the ASF problem in Europe and affected countries through innovation efforts. VACDIVA will provide (1) Three safe and effective pilot vaccines for wild boar and domestic pigs ready for registration; (2) validated companion DIVA tests and 3) cost-benefit and effective surveillance and control-vaccination strategies, with field trials in Lithuania and Kenia. Two world leader companies in vaccine production and ASF diagnostic kits will provide production of the new vaccines and DIVA tests. Epidemiological modelling of worldwide scenarios will be offered in a portfolio of services to help animal health authorities control and eradicate the disease. This project will provide policy makers valuable decision support tools to better prevent and control ASF.
VACDIVA counts with the expertise of two world ASF Reference Laboratories (OIE and FAO), the EU reference laboratory (EURL), six EU national Reference Laboratories (of 6 out of the 10 countries currently affected by ASF) and four prestigious ASF research institutions. Participation of Russian, Chinese and African laboratories will provide useful support, increasing acceptance of the vaccines. Active involvement of pig producers, agricultural associations and International agencies like FAO will enlarge the impact of communication, dissemination and training activities.

Appel à propositions


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Régime de financement

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 834 310,29
28040 Madrid

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Comunidad de Madrid Comunidad de Madrid Madrid
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 2 834 310,29

Participants (22)