Periodic Reporting for period 2 - HEAL (Health, Labor and Environmental Regulation in Post-Industrial Europe)
Período documentado: 2022-02-01 hasta 2023-07-31
This project directly addresses this question by (i) developing state-of-the-art empirical models that greatly enhance spatial detail in economic impact analysis, (ii) taking an interdisciplinary approach that links causal inference on pollution emissions at the firm level to rigorous modeling of atmospheric dispersion for air pollutants, and (iii) incorporating subclinical and long-term health impacts of air pollution into estimates of the health benefits of clean air.
Part II uses rich worker-level data to study the impacts of air pollution on labor supply, long-term health outcomes and migration in a unified framework. Particular attention is given to the question of how health impacts of pollution interact with universal sick leave insurance which is a common feature of European welfare states.