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Trehalose as a source for privileged immunity in Drosophila

Description du projet

Un aperçu des sources d’énergie des cellules immunitaires chez les insectes

Les cellules immunitaires se caractérisent par un fort taux de prolifération et de croissance, ce qui signifie que le métabolisme cellulaire joue un rôle central dans leur maintien et leur fonctionnement. Le projet IMMUNETREH, financé par l’UE, s’intéresse aux mécanismes par lesquels les cellules immunitaires bénéficient d’un accès privilégié aux nutriments. En utilisant la drosophile Drosophila melanogaster comme organisme modèle, les chercheurs vérifieront si les cellules immunitaires préfèrent le tréhalose, le principal sucre présent chez les insectes. Le tréhalose est un disaccharide du glucose qui est converti en glucose comme source d’énergie instantanée pour les besoins cellulaires de nombreuses espèces du règne animal, mais qui est absent chez les vertébrés. Les chercheurs feront appel à des techniques de génétique, de biologie moléculaire et d’immunologie pour répondre à cette question.


The immune response is an energy demanding process and immune cells must have a privileged access to energy/nutrients. While in mammalian system, this privileged access is achieved for example by insulin-independent glucose transporter, how is it achieved in insect is not known. The host laboratory has obtained preliminary results suggesting that the privileged access of fruit fly immune cells to nutrients might be achieved by using trehalose instead of glucose. It is known for a very long time that the primary sugar in insect is trehalose but it is a completely new idea that this carbohydrate could actually play an important role in the privileged access of immunity to resources, as in one of the most fundamental evolutionary trait. The goal of this project is therefore to test if activated Drosophila immune cells preferentially uptake trehalose and convert it to glucose intracellularly, being thus independent of the systemic carbohydrate regulation, and how important would it be for an efficient immune response. The project is based on a multidisciplinary approaches, when tissue-specific genetic tools will be used to manipulate metabolism in vivo in order to study immune response using techniques of molecular biology, developmental biology and immunology and state-of-the-art metabolic approaches. The goal for the researcher is to learn how to use Drosophila genetics and the infection models, well established in the host laboratory, and combine them with her expertise in insect physiology, cell culture and especially metabolomics.

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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 156 980,64
370 05 Ceske Budejovice

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Česko Jihozápad Jihočeský kraj
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 156 980,64