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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Integrated NBS-based Urban Planning Methodology for Enhancing the Health and Well-being of Citizens: the euPOLIS Approach

Description du projet

Une approche fondée sur la nature pour améliorer la vie citadine

Les urbanistes et ingénieurs intègrent des solutions fondées sur la nature (NBS, pour «nature-based solutions») afin de répondre aux défis environnementaux, sociaux et économiques contemporains. Le projet EuPOLIS, financé par l’UE, entend déployer des systèmes naturels pour améliorer la santé publique et le bien-être, et créer des écosystèmes urbains résilients. Il concevra une approche structurée qui intègre les systèmes urbains naturels et construits existants et définira leurs effets sociaux, culturels et économiques communs. Le projet cherchera à régénérer et à réhabiliter les écosystèmes urbains afin de créer des espaces inclusifs et accessibles. Il abordera des enjeux majeurs tels que la faible qualité environnementale et le manque de biodiversité dans les espaces publics, les ressources subissant un stress hydrique et la sous-évaluation de l’utilisation de l’espace. Les solutions du projet seront testées dans quatre villes: Belgrade, Gladsaxe, Le Pirée et Lodz.


EuPOLIS aims to: (a) replace the traditional perception in which engineering systems are built to protect the environment at significant costs. We aim to deploy natural systems to simultaneously enhance Public Health (PH) and Well-Being (WB), and create resilient urban ecosystems at lower Life-Cycle Costs; (b) propose a structured approach to activate the hidden possibilities and services of existing Natural and Engineered urban systems, integrate them and define their joint social, cultural and economic effects, as a main vehicle for Ecosystem Business Services and Investment; (c) regenerate and rehabilitate urban ecosystems, while in parallel addressing key challenges such as low environmental quality, fragmentation and low biodiversity in public spaces, water-stressed resources, undervalued use of space in deprived areas and therefore we improve urban livability; (d) improve urban resilience (operational, social and economic) through interventions designed using a set of proper urban planning matrices, which catalyse stakeholder participation, with a special attention to gender, age and disability perspectives within the process; (e) create inclusive and accessible urban spaces by systematically implementing gender mainstreaming strategies and novel participatory tools into all phases and processes of project development to ensure that the needs of diverse groups are considered. We aim to stimulate active communities’ participation throughout the process; (f) to improve citizens’ quality of life providing them with pleasant socializing open areas that stimulate social exchange and inclusivity; (g) monitor and validate the impact of all interventions to PH and WB of citizens. EuPOLIS solutions will be demonstrated in 4 European cities: Belgrade, Lodz, Piraeus and Gladsaxe. We have also included some follower cities (Bogota, Palermo, Limassol and Trebinje) in order to replicate and demonstrate the advantages of our innovations via mentoring and coaching.

Appel à propositions


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Régime de financement

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 860 250,00
157 80 ATHINA

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Αττική Aττική Κεντρικός Τομέας Αθηνών
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 860 250,00

Participants (28)