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DOWN2EARTH: Translation of climate information into multilevel decision support for social adaptation, policy development, and resilience to water scarcity in the Horn of Africa Drylands

Descripción del proyecto

Servicios climáticos para las tierras secas del Cuerno de África

El Cuerno de África es una región asolada por sequías recurrentes, lo que motiva que las comunidades rurales sean tremendamente vulnerables a la escasez de agua, la inseguridad alimentaria y las pérdidas económicas durante las épocas de sequía. Las sequías severas y duraderas reducen la humedad edáfica y las reservas de agua potable, lo que lleva aparejado la inseguridad alimentaria, la muerte de ganado y una gran escasez de agua, y afectan a millones de personas en las tierras secas del Cuerno de África. El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos DOWN2EARTH mejorará la adaptación y la resiliencia de las comunidades a las sequías en Etiopía, Kenia y Somalia, y desarrollará servicios climáticos pertinentes para la comunidad. El objetivo será proporcionar herramientas que permitan predecir la escasez de agua y sus consecuencias en la superficie terrestre, o cerca de ella, para las poblaciones agropastorales. DOWN2EARTH diseñará herramientas de apoyo a la toma de decisiones a múltiples niveles y marcos de políticas de adaptación al clima. Además, fortalecerá la capacidad regional y proporcionará información a las partes interesadas pertinentes.


Prolonged periods of extreme water scarcity induced by drought are detrimental to regional economies through crop and livestock loss, threatening food security in rural communities, and making politically unstable regions more vulnerable to conflict, terrorism, and mass migration. The rural communities of the Horn of Africa Drylands (HAD) are extremely vulnerable to food insecurity and associated economic losses during drought conditions due to low socio-economic levels and low adaptive capacity to climatic shocks, such that frequent and more severe droughts in HAD have dramatically reduced soil moisture and affecting drinking water reserves, leading to increased food insecurity, livestock loss, and major water shortages. DOWN2EARTH is composed of a multidisciplinary project team that will deliver state-of-the-art and community relevant climate services that focus on water scarcity and its consequences at or near the Earth’s surface (hence DOWN2EARTH) to increasingly vulnerable agro-pastoral populations in HAD. The project is designed to bolster existing climate services frameworks, improve decision support to governments and NGOs in the most vulnerable HAD countries (Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia), and to improve community-centric adaptation and resilience to climate change. The project will: assess the socio-economic dimensions and human dynamics of climate change including feedbacks between climatic shocks, human behavior, and policy implementation; characterize historical trends and future projections of water scarcity, food insecurity, population, and land use; develop and enhance multi-level decision-support tools that emphasize the translation of climate information into critical land and water information required for adaptation and resilience by end users and state/regional governments; and strengthen regional climate services through capacity building, citizen science, information dissemination, expansion of data networks, and policy implementation.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 252 085,00
CF24 0DE Cardiff
Reino Unido

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Wales East Wales Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 1 252 085,00

Participantes (15)