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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

GO GREEN: Resilient Optimal Urban natural, Technological and Environmental Solutions

Description du projet

Un moyen naturel pour entretenir la santé mentale et le bien-être en ville

Comment les solutions fondées sur la nature peuvent-elles contribuer à la santé? Le projet GoGreenRoutes, financé par l’UE, répondra à cette question. Son consortium transdisciplinaire lancera une approche unique des solutions fondées sur la nature en créant des couloirs verts et en cultivant une relation positive entre les humains et la nature. L’objectif du projet est de faire des citoyens européens des ambassadeurs mondiaux de la viabilité urbaine. En faisant progresser la santé mentale et le bien-être, les composantes du projet se concentreront sur l’entreprise fondée sur la nature, l’activité physique durable et l’innovation en matière de numérique, de culture et de connaissances. Un écosystème de connaissances appuyé par des communautés urbaines permettra de sensibiliser la population au lien existant entre santé humaine et santé environnementale.


The objective of GOGREEN ROUTES is to position European cities as world ambassadors of urban sustainability. Our inspirational approach shifts the focus of NBS towards the co-benefits to multidimensional health-termed 360-Health. GOGREEN ROUTES transdisciplinary consortium will pioneer a unique approach augmenting NBS, urban design with the goal of fostering a positive human-nature relationship, flourishing nature connectedness and promoting citizen engagement through digital, educational and behavioural innovation. GOGREEN ROUTES components focus on nature-based enterprise (GROW), sustainable physical activity (MOVE), digital, cultural (FEEL) and knowledge innovation (KNOW). GOGREEN ROUTES fosters mental health and well-being by optimising human-nature interactions for all citizens. These innovations will increase the uptake and acceptability of NBS across “Cultivating Cities” (Burgas, Lahti, Limerick, Tallinn, Umea & Versailles), “Seed Cities” (Munich, Murcia region & Malta) and a “Cross-Pollination Network: (Beijing, Mexico, & Tblisi). An urban well-being lab, based on the living lab methodology will couple participatory approaches with the Big Data analyses. To advance knowledge, best practice and dissemination GOGREEN ROUTES will cluster with H2020 projects including those involving our partners (e.g. proGIreg, bluehealth2020, Connecting Nature). In addition, linking all open-sourced data to the OPPLA and Think Nature Hubs, delivering online resource (e.g. Urban 360-Health Toolkit, MOOC’s) and empowering citizens in an iterative process of co-creation will ensure perpetuation beyond the end of the project. This novel approach, coupled with the high capacity of the consortium, makes GOGREEN ROUTES an exciting prospect.

Appel à propositions


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Sous appel


Régime de financement

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 899 619,47
W23 Maynooth

Voir sur la carte

Ireland Eastern and Midland Mid-East
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 899 619,47

Participants (39)