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SELENE: Self-monitored Dependable platform for High-Performance Safety-Critical Systems

CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.

Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .

Resultado final

Dissemination & Exploitation report for PPR2, plans for exploitation beyond end of project

A summary of the dissemination and exploitation actions undertaken during the project as well as an overview of the plans of partners to further exploit the generated knowledge beyond the project lifetime This include a plan of a joint book and inputs from T54

SELENE software platform description

Final hypervisor RTOS and AI user manual Safety concept T32 T35

Initial software setup guide

Preliminary hypervisor and RTOS user manual (T3.1 - T3.5).

Use case descriptions and requirements

Description of the space, robotics and railway use cases, and their requirements on the SELENE platform (T1.3).

Use case evaluation

List of evaluation criteria and requirements and an assessment report using quantitative and qualitative dataT45

Final hardware support for safety, security, virtualization and acceleration

Technical contributions by M30 T22 T25

Dissemination & Exploitation report for PPR1, plans for PPR2

The initial dissemination plan reports on the dissemination activities undertaken in the first reporting period, and provides detailed plan for the rest of the project for both dissemination and exploitation including result from T5.4.

Website, flyer, initial dissemination and exploitation plan

Communication and dissemination materials targeting a variety of stakeholders, as well as the project website, and a plan for early dissemination and exploitation.

Preliminary SELENE System-on-chip description and configuration guide

First version of the FPGA board user manual (T2.1 - T2.6).

Lessons learnt

Final report available to the public providing hindsight on project choices management and technical experience and future directions including observations from the advisory board

Preliminary hardware support for safety, security, virtualization and acceleration features

Technical contributions by M12 (T2.2 - T2.5).

Final SELENE System-on-chip description and configuration guide

Final FPGA board user manual T22 T26

Intermediate hardware support for safety, security, virtualization and acceleration features

Technical contributions by M18 (T2.2 - T2.5).

SELENE platform requirements and use constraints

Report collecting hardware and software SELENE platform requirements and use constraints (T1.1-T1.2).

Intermediate SELENE System-on-chip description and configuration guide

Updated FPGA board user manual (T2.1 - T2.6).

FPGA platform definition

Specification of the characteristics needed by the SoC in the FPGA board to use, FPGA board choice, and fault mitigation measures needed for space environments (T1.4).

Final SELENE software platform

Technical solutions description, and source code and configurations, including safety, security and AI support (T3.2 - T3.5).

Preliminary software architecture Initial software enabling on target platform

Technical solutions description, and source code and configurations of hypervisor and Linux (T3.1 - T3.5).

Preliminary software architecture

Initial software solutions architecture and Hypervisor and Linux/RTOS setup (T3.1 - T3.5)..


SELENE: Self-Monitored Dependable Platform for High-Performance Safety-Critical Systems

Autores: Carles Hernandez, Jose Flieh, Roberto Paredes, Charles-Alexis Lefebvre, Imanol Allende, Jaume Abella, David Trillin, Martin Matschnig, Bernhard Fischer, Konrad Schwarz, Jan Kiszka, Martin Ronnback, Johan Klockars, Nicholas McGuire, Franz Rammerstorfer, Christian Schwarzl, Franck Wartet, Dierk Ludemann, Mikel Labayen
Publicado en: 2020 23rd Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), 2020, Página(s) 370-377, ISBN 978-1-7281-9535-3
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/dsd51259.2020.00066

SafeDE: a flexible Diversity Enforcement hardware module for light-lockstepping

Autores: Francisco Bas, Sergi Alcaide, Ruben Lorenzo, Guillem Cabo, Guillermo GIL, Oriol Sala, Fabio Mazzocchetti, David Trilla,Jaume Abella
Publicado en: 27th IEEE International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design, 2021
Editor: IEEE

On the reliability of hardware event monitors in MPSoCs for critical domains

Autores: Javier Barrera, Leonidas Kosmidis, Hamid Tabani, Enrico Mezzetti, Jaume Abella, Mikel Fernandez, Guillem Bernat, Francisco J. Cazorla
Publicado en: Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2020, Página(s) 580-589, ISBN 9781450368667
Editor: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/3341105.3373955

HLS-Based HW/SW Co-Design of the Post-Quantum Classic McEliece Cryptosystem

Autores: Vatistas Kostalampros, Jordi Ribes-González, Oriol Farràs, Miquel Moretó and Carles Hernandez
Publicado en: International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), 2021
Editor: IEEE

Improving the Robustness of Redundant Execution with Register File Randomization

Autores: Ilya Tuzov, Pablo Andreu, Laura Medina, Tomas Picornell, Antonio Robles, Pedro Lopez, Jose Flich, Carles Hernández
Publicado en: 2021 IEEE/ACM International Conference On Computer Aided Design (ICCAD), 2021, Página(s) 1-9
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/iccad51958.2021.9643466

SafeSU-2: a Safe Statistics Unit for Space MPSoCs

Autores: Guillem Cabo, Sergi Alcaide, Carles Hernandez, Pedro Benedicte, Francisco Bas, Fabio Mazzocchetti, Jaume Abella
Publicado en: 2022 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), Edición 1, 2022, Página(s) 1085-1086
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.23919/date54114.2022.9774515

Empirical Analysis of the Specialization of a Diversity Metric per Circuit Path

Autores: Sergi Alcaide, Carles Hernández, Jaume Abella
Publicado en: 17th Workshop on Silicon Errors in Logic - System Effects, 2021
Editor: No oficial proceedings

Security, Reliability and Test Aspects of the RISC-V Ecosystem

Autores: Jaume Abella, Sergi Alcaide, Jens Anders, Francisco Bas, Steffen Becker, Elke De Mulder, Nourhan Elhamawy, Frank K. Gurkaynak, Helena Handschuh, Carles Hernandez, Mike Hutter, Leonidas Kosmidis, Ilia Polian, Matthias Sauer, Stefan Wagner, Francesco Regazzoni
Publicado en: 2021 IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS), 2021, Página(s) 1-10, ISBN 978-1-6654-1849-2
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/ets50041.2021.9465449

Cuotas hardware para el despliegue de aplicaciones de alta criticidad en sistemas multiprocesador

Autores: Pablo Andreu Cerezo, Carles Hernández, Pedro Lopez
Publicado en: Actas de las Jornadas SARTECO 2022, Edición 1, 2022, ISBN 978-84-1302-185-0
Editor: Universidad de Alicante

Enabling hardware randomization across the cache hierarchy in Linux-Class processors

Autores: Doblas, Max; Kostalabros, Ioannis-Vatistas; Moreto Planas, Miquel; Hernández Luz, Carles
Publicado en: 4th Workshop on Computer Architecture Research with RISC-V, Edición 1, 2020
Editor: No publisher

The SELENE Deep Learning Acceleration Framework for Safety-related Applications

Autores: Laura Medina, Salvador Carrión, Pablo Andreu, Tomás Picornell, José Flich, Carles Hernández, Michael Sandoval, Markel Sainz, Charles-Alecis Lefebvre, Martin Rönnbäck, Martin Matschnig, Matthias Wess
Publicado en: 2022 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), Edición 1, 2022, Página(s) 636-639
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.23919/date54114.2022.9774578

Artificial Intelligence for High-performance Human Space Flight Avionics Systems

Autores: Carles Hernandez, Nick Hauptvogel, Laura Medina, Charles-Alexis Lefebvre, Jose Flich, Martin Rönnbäck, Dierk Lüdemann
Publicado en: Data Systems In Aerospace Conference (DASIA 2022), 2022
Editor: Eurospace

SafeDM: a Hardware Diversity Monitor for Redundant Execution on Non-Lockstepped Cores

Autores: Francisco Bas, Pedro Benedicte, Sergi Alcaide, Guillem Cabo, Fabio Mazzocchetti and Jaume Abella
Publicado en: 2022 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), Edición 1, 2022, Página(s) 358-363
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.23919/date54114.2022.9774540

SafeTI: a Hardware Traffic Injector for MPSoC Functional and Timing Validation

Autores: Oriol Sala, Sergi Alcaide, Jaume Abella, Guillem Cabo, Francisco Bas, Ruben Lorenzo, Pedro Benedicte, David Trilla, Fabio Mazzocchetti, Guillermo Gil
Publicado en: 27th IEEE International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design, 2021
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/iolts52814.2021.9486689

HLSinf: Una Plataforma de Aceleración de Procesos de Inferencia en FPGA aplicado a Imágenes Médicas

Autores: Laura Medina, Izan Catalán, José Flich, Carles Hernández, Andrea Bragagnolo, Fabrice Auzanneau y David Briand
Publicado en: Actas de las Jornadas SARTECO 2022, 2022, Página(s) 185-190, ISBN 978-84-1302-185-0
Editor: Universidad de Alicante

Bounding inter-core interference with a hardware quota mechanism

Autores: Pablo Andreu Cerezo; Carles Hernández; Pedro Lopez
Publicado en: 18th International Summer School on Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for High-performance Embedded Systems (ACACES 2022), Edición 1, 2022, ISBN 978-88-947027-0-5
Editor: HiPEAC, the European Network of Excellence on High Performance Embedded Architecture and Compilation

End-to-end QoS for the Open Source safety-relevant RISC-V SELENE platform

Autores: Pablo Andreu, Carles Hernández, Tomas Picornell, Pedro Lopez, Sergi Alcaide, Francisco Bas, Pedro Benedicte, Guillem Cabo, Feng Chang, Francisco Fuentes, Jaume Abella
Publicado en: Edición 1, 2022

The HLSinf AI hardware accelerator for Safety-related Applications in SELENE

Autores: Laura Medina, José Flich, Carles Hernández
Publicado en: 18th International Summer School on Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for High-performance Embedded Systems (ACACES 2022), Edición 1, 2022, Página(s) 109-112, ISBN 978-88-947027-0-5
Editor: HiPEAC, the European Network of Excellence on High Performance Embedded Architecture and Compilation

Static Hardware Partitioning on RISC-V: Shortcomings, Limitations and Prospects

Autores: Ralf Ramsauer, Stefan Huber, Konrad Schwarz, Jan Kiszka, Wolfgang Maurer
Publicado en: 2022

Development of a Light Weight L2-Cache Controller

Autores: Måns Arildsson
Publicado en: 2022
Editor: Luleå University of Technology

Design and Implementation of a Network-on-Chip based Embedded System-on-Chip

Autores: Panagiotis Strikos
Publicado en: 2021
Editor: Chalmers University of Technology

Measuring and Controlling Multicore Contention in a RISC-V System-on-Chip

Autores: Pablo Andreu
Publicado en: 2021
Editor: Universitat Politècnica de València

Design of a diversity enforcement module for safety critical processing systems

Autores: Francisco Bas
Publicado en: 2022
Editor: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya

Generación de un Módulo Optimizado de Inferencia en FPGAs con HLS

Autores: Laura Medina
Publicado en: 2021
Editor: Universitat Politècnica de València

HP-DCFNoC: High Performance Distributed Dynamic TDM Scheduler Based on DCFNoC Theory

Autores: Tomas Picornell, Jose Flich, Duato Jose, Carles Hernandez
Publicado en: IEEE Access, Edición 8, 2020, Página(s) 194836-194849, ISSN 2169-3536
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/access.2020.3033853

Achieving Diverse Redundancy for GPU Kernels

Autores: Sergi Alcaide, Leonidas Kosmidis, Carles Hernández, Jaume Abella
Publicado en: IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, Edición vol. 10, no. 2, 2022, Página(s) 618-634, ISSN 2168-6750
Editor: IEEE Computer Society
DOI: 10.1109/tetc.2021.3101922

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