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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

A Collaborative platform for EU-US NGI experiments

Description du projet

Collaboration transatlantique sur des expériences NGI

L’Internet de nouvelle génération (NGI) représente un élément clé auprès des scientifiques et des innovateurs tant dans l’UE qu’aux États-Unis (US). C’est la raison pour laquelle les expériences sont réalisées sur des plateformes expérimentales UE-USA. Le projet financé par l’UE, vise à créer la structure organisationnelle et financière qui encadrera les subventions en cascade accordées aux chercheurs basés dans l’UE qui travaillent sur des expériences NGI, aux côtés de leurs homologues américains financés par les organismes de subvention basés aux États-Unis. Le projet développera et gérera une plateforme à l’usage de communautés de chercheurs ciblées et encouragera et soutiendra le financement en cascade des projets de recherche et des expériences courantes. Ce projet mobilisera les communautés d’utilisateurs de l’UE et des États-Unis pour promouvoir efficacement la collaboration transatlantique. Le projet durera 30 mois et devrait permettre d’organiser le financement de 30 expériences et de 50 organisations.

Objectif in its 38 months rigorous workplan, has a central goal to provide the organisational and financial framework that will drive the cascade funding of the EU-based research and innovators in carrying out Next Generation Internet (NGI) related experiments built on top of EU – US experimental platforms. develops, manages and publicises to targeted user communities an organisational and financial funding platform to stimulate and support an efficient process for regular research cycles of cascade funded projects engagements between EU and US innovators related to common priority topics derived from the EU’s NGI related Experimental Platforms, including NGI Experimentation (NGI-EXP), FIRE, 5G-PPP, and the US’s relevant Internet programmes, including the NSF’s wired funded programs, ENTeR / GENI and Future Cloud Platform, and Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research (PAWR) program and dedicated US-EU program entitled Internet Core & Edge Technologies, ICE-T. The funded projects will emerge from clearly established selection criteria, through a transparent and efficient process of 50+ External Pool of Evaluators.

The Partners from both EU & US, have been selected to bring the necessary competences in all crucial areas required by the call, from technical knowledge, direct experience in EU-US collaborations, cascading grant management expertise, to NGI policy understanding and experience in experimental platforms in EU and US, and with experience in mobilising the expected communities of users to make trans-Atlantic collaboration a success from all viewpoints. The Consortium is supported by an Expert Advisory Group (EAG). Main Project outputs: 1 platform & open call processes, Twinning lab, 30+ EU-US NGI experiments, 50+ EU & US organisations receiving funding, 1 continuous, well-publicised Open Calls with 5 cycles for applications, targeting 30+ proposals, 150+ specialists supported, 5 workshops, 6 webinars, a Priority Landscape report 2030.

Appel à propositions


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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 3 087 750,00
X91 K0EK Waterford

Voir sur la carte

Ireland Southern South-East
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 3 087 750,00

Participants (5)