Descripción del proyecto
El trabajo social global y la movilidad humana en Europa
El éxito de la integración de los migrantes es fundamental para el bienestar, la prosperidad y la cohesión de las sociedades europeas en el futuro. Las autoridades locales desempeñan una función vital en esta integración. No obstante, muchas ciudades tienen problemas para gestionar la integración de los migrantes. Los trabajadores sociales están en la primera fila ante este reto, y su función es crucial en las acciones gubernamentales y las prácticas profesionales respecto de la recepción y la inclusión de los recién llegados. El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos Global-ANSWER promoverá el intercambio de conocimientos y la transferencia de habilidades. Consolidará una red internacional e intersectorial de estudios comparativos y colaborativos con formación en la identificación, el análisis y la difusión de buenas prácticas en el ámbito de los servicios sociales y la movilidad humana en Europa.
This project main objective is to consolidate an international and inter-sectorial network of comparative and collaborative research and training on the identification, analysis and dissemination of good practices in the field of social work and human mobility in the European countries involved in the project, including universities, local town halls and third sector organizations. The reception and socioeconomic inclusion of migrants and refugees are key issues for contemporary Europe, particularly in the Euro-Mediterranean region, where the magnitude of new arrivals arouse great human rights concern. Social work professionals are in the front line of this challenge, playing a key role in local government responses and professional practices for the reception and inclusion of newcomers. Experienced qualitative methodological approach used in migration studies and related to social work will be utilized mainly. The participants of this project will exchange skills and knowledge which will allow them to progress towards key advances in the identification, transfer and promotion of good practices on local government and social work interventions with migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and other groups in conditions of vulnerability as a result of human mobility (non-accompanied children and youth, the elderly, victims of human trafficking, the disabled, transnational families, victims of ethnic, religious and sexual orientation discrimination, etc). The methodological approach will combine secondments of senior and junior researchers and social work professionals, the implementation of comparative research, training workshops and activities to disseminate knowledge and promote good social work practice, such as international conferences, the elaboration of guidelines and the production of publications in national and international journals, including special issues focused on the good social work practices identified during the project
Ámbito científico
Palabras clave
Régimen de financiación
MSCA-RISE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE)Coordinador
18071 Granada