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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

The first biodegradable thermoset biopolymer to replace single-use plastics

Descripción del proyecto

Un gran impulso para los bioplásticos

Debido a que combinan sus excelentes propiedades funcionales con un bajo coste, los plásticos forman parte integrante de nuestra vida. Si bien su uso ha crecido de forma constante en la Unión Europea, tan solo se recicla una tercera parte de los residuos plásticos. Por otra parte, el cambio a los plásticos biodegradables y de origen biológico ha sido lento. Los bioplásticos, fabricados principalmente a partir de materias primas lignocelulósicas y agroindustriales, representan menos del 1 % de los 355 millones de toneladas de plástico que se producen cada año. El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos PlasticsInside comercializará un nuevo plástico biodegradable, reciclable y de origen biológico. Se basa en Plantics-GX, un nuevo bioplástico termoestable de bajo coste que cumple los dos requisitos anteriormente expuestos. Se puede utilizar como alternativa a los plásticos termoestables tóxicos, inflamables y basados en materiales fósiles, como el poliuretano o las resinas a base de folmaldehído.


Reducing plastic waste and lowering CO2 emissions is the top priority of the EU when it comes to environmental action.
Yearly almost 400 million tons of plastic is produced worldwide. New legislation forces industries to use alternatives to fossilbased
plastics. Therefore, a shift to biobased and biodegradable plastics is needed. Current status? Today bioplastics only
comprise less than 1% of the plastic production. Why? The functionality of bioplastics is not yet as required, and costs are
too high. The University of Amsterdam has invented Plantics-GX, a new cost-competitive thermoset bioplastic that meets
both requirements. It is safe, 100% bio-based, recyclable, and if it enters in the environment it is bio-degradable. Moreover, it
is strong and has very good binding properties. The spin-off company Plantics B.V. (founded in 2014) aims to further
develop the new plastic and its production process and develop applications together with strong (market) partners. Plantics-
GX resin can be used in combination with moulded paper as an alternative to single use plastics for e.g. packaging and
disposables (about 40% of the plastics market). The resulting material is strong, has good barrier characteristics and is
biodegradable. Plantic-GX can also be used as an alternative to the currently used often toxic and flammable fossil based
thermoset plastics (20% of the plastics market) like polyurethane (used in insulation and furniture foams), or formaldehydebased
resins that are used as binders in wood panels. In this project we focus on the replacement of some specific single
use plastic packaging and disposables with products that are made from moulded paper and Plantics-GX. We will design,
build, and demonstrate an optimized product and resin production process to enable the company to quickly bring a first
product to the market, soon followed by other products. We also aim to finalize contracts with customers and suppliers and
update our commercialization plan.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Convocatoria de subcontratación


Régimen de financiación

SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 568 446,97
6827 AV Arnhem
Países Bajos

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Organización definida por ella misma como pequeña y mediana empresa (pyme) en el momento de la firma del acuerdo de subvención.

Oost-Nederland Gelderland Arnhem/Nijmegen
Tipo de actividad
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 3 023 722,15

Participantes (1)