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Integrated Fire Management System

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - S2IGI (Integrated Fire Management System)

Période du rapport: 2019-09-01 au 2020-02-29

The nowadays worldwide wildfire context is defined by extreme fire behaviour characterised by rapid fire spread, intense burning, long-range fire spotting and unpredictable shifts. Extreme wildfire events have an extraordinary socio-economic impact in terms of both loss of human life and economic damage. The main problems that faced firefighters operators are: lack of reliable early-time fire detection tools; unpredictability of fire ignition and unpredictable behavior of extreme events. The software S2IGI proposes solutions to the mentioned problems contributing to the reduction of environment and economic damages caused by forest fires. S2IGI is a end-to-end Decision Support System (DSS), that aims to support actions in the,three main phases of fire management -1. forest fire prevention and mitigation, 2. event management and 3. post-fire recovery. S2IGI through satellite images, in-situ ancillary data and weather numerical predictions, assures timely and reliable fire forecast information. The principal S2IGI target market are public administrations responsible for fire monitoring, prevention, management and damage mitigation; privates as insurance companies and financial entities are also potential customers. S2IGI was developed by Nurjana Technologies in collaboration with CNR-IBIMET and the Aerospace Engineering School of the Sapienza University of Rome (SIA). Nurjana Technologies provides expertises in systems development, real time applications/simulations and programs management for Defense, Aerospace and Space market through a Customer Integrated Project Team approach. The present project aims to prove the commercial potential of the S2IGI system in Europe and worldwide, enhance its growth potential and favors private investment opportunities. The revenue model is based on annually recurring revenue, which favors customer loyalty and service scalability. S2IGI is distributed as a Software as Service (SaaS). The feasibility assessment was carried on principally on EU Mediterranean countries, even if further target countries were identified, Balcanic, Northern, and worldwide countries with the highest fire risk as USA, Canada, Australia and Russia. The expected turnover in 4 years from S2IGI sales is about € 5 M. and a 55% of market share.
The principal activities we carried on during the feasibility assessment are described as follows:

1. Data collection through: a. a survey among public entities competent in the area of wildfire management, b. research and analysis of relevant documentation, with the aim of: validation of customer needs, system functionalities and features, system operability and accessibility characteristics and identification of operational requirements. 
2. We’ve made research about the most frequently used certifications and standards recommended and/or required in European countries in our sector of interest.
3. We have analyzed in detail the Mediterranean countries: Portugal, Spain, Greece and Italy in specific the public sector.
4. Through the participation to different conferences and matchmaking meetings we have identified some key partners.
5. The financial assessment was done based on the analysis of market trends and maturity, competitor analysis, validation of user needs, operational requirements and the analysis of available economical and human resources
6. We made a research about Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) to identified the more proper related actions to a product as S2IGI. We use the tool made available by European Commission the European IPR helpdesk - . We have explored the most common IPRs relevant to a SaaS agreement
Some of the most important results:
- we have obtained answers to questionnaires from eight different public entities, all Civil Protections bodies or associated from Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece.
The information collected shows that principal needs among competent entities in the area of wildfire management in order of importance are:
• Lack of integrability of data from different sources
• High costs of fire management tools
• Unpredictability of fire ignition
• Complexity of fire management tools
• Lack of timeliness of fire ignition detection
• Lack of prediction of fire behavior over time
As follows, based on feedbacks from potential users the characteristics of the final version product S2IGI, the principal functionalities, in order of importance:
• Wildfire daily probability forecast map
• Front fire simulation
• Hotspot early warning detection
Follows some of the principal results of the project:

1. At present our system is able to detect 94% of the fires.
2. Certifications are not required in European countries, but some of them are recommended: the ISO 9001:2008 and the ISO 27001.
3. Through the feasibility assessment we have confirmed the potential market in the countries Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain is very high. Our target are public administrations in a regional and national level.
4. About a 30% of the interviewed potential users already use automatic systems for fire managements, those are most prone to  this kind of support systems and more aware about their utility.
5. From surveys most of the interviewed entities considered the forecast of fires probability the preferable tool.
6. All the national policies of the studied countries promote and encourage forecasting and prevention activities, rather than privileging the emergency phase linked to the extinguishing of fires.
7. Compared to competitive products, only S​2​IGI presents ​ a complete set of functionalities end-to-end, ​ facilitating the whole process of fire management, it’s offered as a modular a customizable system with the aim to answer to specific the needs and economic availability, and easily accessible as is distributed as a Software as a Service (SaaS).
8. Potential interested customers in the private sector are insurances companies and financial entities. Further potential users of the private sector are landowners associations, wood producers and electrical providers.
9. The project is easily scalable because is distributed as a SaaS, it doesn’t required local installation, no HW installation is required. The innovation project is replicable worldwide.
10. The software will be distributed as a Software as a Service (SaaS) through an annual subscription fee. The service includes annual assistance and upgrades. The software will be structured modularly.
11. There are not specific national regulations in the analyzed countries associated to implementation of software systems or DSS as S2IGI.
12. The company will register the trademark in order to protect the S​2​IGI brand and to distinguish our SaaS service from those of your competitors and carry on copyright actions of SW code.

We’ll go on with further developments and improvements of the product S2IGI and actions to enter into the international market. From the feasibility study we can conclude, that the major and principal actions to be carried on will be to build strategic partnerships that facilitate the entrance to international markets. Further actions to be done in a next phase are: to deepen the analysis of the private sector, to design actions that assures an efficient and targeted diffusion of the advantages of the product among public and private sector and funding research through the participation to other calls of R&D European programmes.
S2IGI hot spot interface
fire front behavior simulation