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A Nanotechnology Based Blood Culture Medium to Detect Invasive Candida in Bloodstream

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CandidaHunter (A Nanotechnology Based Blood Culture Medium to Detect Invasive Candida in Bloodstream)

Période du rapport: 2019-08-01 au 2020-01-31

Candidiasis is the common name for diseases produced by the yeast of the genus Candida. This is the most frequently found yeast in human microbiome and can cause disease at different sites of the human anatomy with diverse severity. Invasive candidiasis refers to severe fungal infections in which the yeast might be found in deep organs or bloodstream. Despite advances in antifungal therapy, the mortality associated with invasive candidiasis remains as high as 40% which makes it the leading cause of mortality.
Fast diagnosis plays a crucial role in the outcome of these bloodstream infections and so, the prompt detection of bacteraemia and fungemia is a critical function of the clinical microbiology laboratory. The blood culture represents a critical tool for the detection of bloodstream infections.
There are many pathogenic Candida species. They can be found in the ground, animals, fruits and vegetables, and even in the hospital environment. In fact, invasive Candida infections are the 4th leading cause of hospital infections. The infection has a huge impact on life quality of patients and health care expenditures.
CandidaHunter is a nanotechnology-based blood culture medium where Matriks Biotek enhances the gold standard sensitivity up to 80% (where conventional blood cultures are 50%) and decreasing the 72 hours diagnosis period to 24 hours. CandidaHunter is a combination of culture-based and molecular technologies. With its molecular technology, CandidaHunter detects the deep-seated and disseminated diseases where conventional blood culture fails. In addition, it is planned to develop an alternative approach to Candida diagnosis without requiring mechanical equipment.
First of all, the product requirement (CandidaHunter) was determined in the market. Then the need was confirmed by literature review and development steps were determined. In the next step, technical, infrastructure and financial requirements were determined and the search for resources started. In this context, Horizon2020 application has been made and accepted. After acceptance, a feasibility report is prepared.
The product will be released to the market after the project is completed. With CandidaHunter, the diagnosis time for Candida infections will be shortened and the accuracy and rate of diagnosis will be increased. These gains will not only prevent patients from losing their lives, but will also reduce the length of hospital stay and the total money spent.
Timeline, past & future stages of CandidaHunter with TRL's