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NaaS - Newsroom as a service

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - NAAS (NaaS - Newsroom as a service)

Reporting period: 2019-08-01 to 2020-01-31

Newstag offers a new platform, connecting brands, news sources, NGOs and consumers - in a win-win-win innovative business model which drive sales and awareness through personalized news flows. We can turn any brand and organization into its own media source in a matter of days and help companies reach new markets worldwide at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional methods. The product is a B2B service called NAAS (Newsroom-As-A-Service) and gives companies the opportunity to integrate video news stories into their communication channels – to react and interact with events and engage their customers and audiences. With NAAS, any brand may create, embed and promote channels using its own content and combine it with the world’s largest portfolio of constantly updated professional news video; more than 40 000 truly engaging stories per month. The objective of this project was to further advance our product technologically and develop local versions of the system in preparation for the international market launch. The activities covered by this study would help to demonstrate and document the benefits of NAAS.
The feasibility study has shown that NAAS demonstrates a strong technical and commercial viability. The primary results highlighted that there is still technology development needed in terms of adjusting NAAS functionalities to serve different client segments in countries outside of Sweden. We have further confirmed huge market potential as traditional media and advertising markets are undergoing several major shifts which create great business opportunity for us. During the feasibility assessment we have identified several potential partners who will collaborate with Newstag AB at the later demonstration and commercialization stages.
At the core of the value proposition is the ability to carry a large portfolio of content owners providing different perspectives on news events, the ability to always check the source to avoid so-called Fake News, providing a new contract between producers of news (journalists) and users in different categories securing a sustainable business model for independent journalism. Corporations and Brands as stakeholders will have the tools to communicate what matters to them, with independent stories (in a Brand safe environment without meddling with the actual journalism) and take an active part as community members. Sustainability is at the core of the business model and as the definition of the term sustainability is “Ecological-, Economical- and Social Balance” and as News is “happening” where there’s imbalance, one can argue that News and sustainability are interlinked, two sides of the same coin if you wish. The co-creation of value that takes place is best manifested in the concept Infinite Heart which is also part of the new contract between users and producers that Newstag seeks to establish. It is a hybrid business model that is not only commercially viable but also, in its extension, is part of a solution that is of democratically crucial – a new business model for Media/News. Using News as a force for good.