Descripción del proyecto
Un nuevo estudio podría ofrecer más pistas sobre la interacción entre los fluidos y los materiales bidimensionales
Los materiales bidimensionales (2D) son una clase de materiales cristalinos formados por una sola capa de átomos y que interesan a los físicos tanto por su física excepcional como por su gran cantidad de aplicaciones potenciales. Durante su síntesis, los líquidos suelen quedar atrapados entre estos materiales y los sustratos rígidos, o entre las capas de las estructuras de van der Waals. Sin embargo, sigue sin estar claro cómo influyen los líquidos confinados en la estructura 2D. El proyecto LUCiD-Mater, financiado con fondos europeos, desarrollará modelos matemáticos avanzados para arrojar más luz sobre esta interacción. Los modelos aportarán una información extremadamente valiosa a los investigadores para optimizar la fabricación de materiales 2D, así como para controlar y aprovechar las gotitas de líquido atrapadas.
Two-dimensional (2D) materials are a relatively new class of thin materials consisting of a single layer of covalently bonded atoms. The unprecedented characteristics of 2D materials have already led to the observation of new physics and lend themselves to a wide range of technology-focused applications. Both in the fabrication process and in applications, liquids frequently interact with 2D materials. In particular, droplets often become trapped between these thin materials and a rigid substrate, or between layers of vdW structures. However, the details of this trapping (or confinement), how the liquid becomes confined and its effect on the rest of the structure has been under-appreciated.
We propose to develop mathematical models of this confinement in a number of scenarios motivated by recent experiments. The analysis of these models will give new insights into the optimization of various fabrication methods, as well as suggesting new methods through which the presence of trapped liquid droplets can be controlled and exploited. To meet the proposed objective, we will build on the fellow’s experience in the mechanics of 2D materials and their interfaces and the supervisor’s experience in the mechanics of slender structures and their interaction with liquids to propose integrated, multidisciplinary, multi-technique approaches.
The fellow would be based in the Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics and would benefit from being integrated into both the intellectual and social life of the group. The fellowship will extensively broaden the fellow’s knowledge of the modelling of thin film/liquid systems and expand his network and collaborations through performing the project. Besides, the designed training activities of this fellowship will consolidate his skills in teaching, supervision, research communications, and project management. These invaluable experience will significantly contribute to the fellow’s medium- and long-term career development.
Ámbito científico
Palabras clave
Régimen de financiación
MSCA-IF - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF)Coordinador
OX1 2JD Oxford
Reino Unido