Periodic Reporting for period 1 - TIMAN262O (A new generation of dry & quiet street sweepers)
Période du rapport: 2019-12-01 au 2020-03-31
We introduce TIMAN 2620, a cutting-edge small size street sweeper that uses a novel suction system based on whirlwind principle (cyclone). It is of reduced size – capable for all areas – and highly versatile that may function, aside from street sweeper, as snow remover or lawnmower, among others. It offers new levels of efficiency with lower CO2 emissions, fuel consumption, providing, in oil, hybrid, and electric versions, friendly to manage with low noise in the cabin, with a very competitive final price, beating all potential today competitors in the market.
- We have solved all technical needs. We have decreased the energy for the suction system to 2.6kW in hydraulic version, and as low as 2.3KW in electric consumption. The noise level of nozzle suction is as low as 10.2dB and consumption is 2.2 L/h constant, much lower than competitors.
- We have decided to move to an EIC Pilot with a total budget of 1.4M€, for the development of three TIMAN 2620 versions: i) oil, ii) hybrid, and iii) 100% electric.
- We have identified the market size in the different areas of commercialization and, after study, we’ve decided that the franchise approach is the one that fits better for TIMAN objectives.
- We’ve analysed different competitors, and we demonstrate that TIMAN has the potential to lead the market of small street sweepers in the next years.
- The business plan shows an accumulated NET profit of 29,792 M€ for the first five years. So, the project has a ROI of 16,43 (1643%) during this period.