CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Modelling of the early agricultural spread in south of the Eastern Europe

Descripción del proyecto

Usar la lógica imprecisa para desvelar el razonamiento de los agricultores del Neolítico

El Neolítico, en la mayor parte de Europa, se caracterizó por el surgimiento de las comunidades agrícolas. La propagación temprana de la agricultura, que trajo la agricultura y el modo de vida sedentario a grandes partes de Europa, se modelizará en el marco del proyecto FUZZFARM, financiado con fondos europeos. Dado que los primeros agricultores afrontaron diversos obstáculos sociales, económicos y ecológicos a fin de elegir una determinada microrregión para colonizar, este proyecto estudiará las condiciones mediante un enfoque de base de datos para todo el sur de Europa Oriental (el actual sudeste de Polonia, Ucrania y Moldavia, y el este de Rumanía). La teoría del conjunto impreciso se utilizará para modelar el razonamiento humano y desvelar los motivos de los agricultores del Neolítico para seleccionar un emplazamiento: desde el tipo de suelo necesario, hasta la necesidad de que hubiera un emplazamiento similar geográficamente cerca para realizar el intercambio de cónyuges.


"The project aims at modeling of the early agricultural spread, the process that brought agriculture and the settled way of life to large portions of Europe in VII-V mill. BC. It is focused on the archaeological record of south of Eastern Europe and it will employ innovative way of agent based modeling based on the fuzzy sets approach. Fuzzy logic appeared extremely fruitful in modeling processes of multi-criteria decision-making. Early farmers faced various ecological, economic and social constraints in order to select a certain micro-region for colonization. These conditions will be studied in the course of the project by means of database approach for the whole south of Eastern Europe (roughly modern south-eastern Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, and eastern Romania); taking additional samples for research on paleo-soils in the three focus micro-regions which evidenced several waves of early agricultural colonization. The criteria will be formulated for a site selection by Neolithic farmers. They will be incorporated into agent-based model ""Fuzzy Farmers"" using a fuzzy sets approach to combine the criteria of various character in a single model (for example, type of soil needed and a need of a similar site in geographical proximity for exchange of marital partners). Agents will be represented by communities of early agriculturalists. The model will simulate the process of early agricultural expansion in actual geographic space (modelled in GIS). I plan to seek the conditions of ceasing the expansion pace and in such a way try to explain the frontiers of early farmers' spread known from archeological record of the south Eastern Europe.
The archaeological record of Eastern Europe is still badly integrated into pan-European theoretical context. This process was hampered by differences in organization of science, financial background and research methodologies. The project will work towards the more general aim of building a unified European archaeology.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 183 473,28
30123 Venezia

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Nord-Est Veneto Venezia
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 183 473,28