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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Conversion of CO2/H2O to Polyethylene through Cascade Electro-reduction–Polymerisation Catalysis

Descripción del proyecto

Convertir el CO2 en plástico en un solo paso

La conversión de CO2 en polietileno, el plástico más común, puede servir para contrarrestar las emisiones atmosféricas que contribuyen al calentamiento global. Claramente el polietileno no es el material más respetuoso con el medio ambiente que existe, pero todavía no existe un sustituto universal. La obtención de polietileno a partir de CO2 reduciría su huella medioambiental y, en consecuencia, la necesidad de combustibles fósiles. La conversión de CO2 en polietileno es un proceso de múltiples pasos que incluye la conversión catalítica de CO2 en etileno y su polimerización en polietileno mediante dos catalizadores diferentes. El proyecto CO2Polymerisation, financiado con fondos europeos, se propone diseñar un catalizador complejo que convierta directamente el CO2 en polietileno en una cascada perfectamente integrada de reacciones catalíticas en un medio acuoso. Para alcanzar su objetivo, el equipo realizará un análisis químico cuántico de la ruta de reacción y una modelización de la dinámica de reacción con diversos catalizadores.


The global production of polyethylene is over 100 million tones annually. Carbon dioxide is a major cause of global warming but at the same time, it is also an abundant feedstock for hydrocarbon energy fuels. Electrochemical reduction of CO2 into valuable chemical feedstocks such as polyethylene is a highly enticing challenge for simultaneous settling of energy and environmental issues.
Currently, CO2 conversion to polyethylene occurs through an indirect two-step process including CO2 catalytic conversions to ethylene (CO2 hydrogenation) and ethylene to polyethylene (ethylene polymerization) using two different catalysts, separately. The novelty of my research is constructing a bifunctional catalyst for CO2 direct conversion to polyethylene through a cascade of electro-reduction–polymerization catalysis in the presence of water. So far, a catalyst that sequentially transforms CO2 into polyethylene has not yet been presented. Manifold catalysts have been demonstrated as potential candidates for CO2 polymerization to polyethylene. The state-of-the-art catalysts as constituents of the proposed bifunctional catalyst would be Copper and Palladium. Cu is responsible for binding *CO intermediates and converting them into C2H4 and Pd is highlighted for ethylene polymerization after Ziegler-type and metallocene-type catalysts. Using computational software packages, I will develop a multiscale and multiphysics model of direct CO2 electrochemical reduction to polyethylene over Cu-Pd bifunctional catalyst to predict the intermediates and products. To achieve this goal, I will carry out a quantum chemical analysis of the reaction pathway, a microkinetic model of the reaction dynamics, and a continuum model for mass transport of all species through the electrolyte. In parallel, computational achievements will be executed experimentally to produce a creative bifunctional catalyst from merging two different catalysts for the CO2 cascade transformation to polyethylene directly.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 162 040,32
1000 Ljubljana

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Slovenija Zahodna Slovenija Osrednjeslovenska
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 162 040,32