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Community Tailored Actions for Energy Poverty Mitigation

Descripción del proyecto

Nuevo método para que las intervenciones en materia de eficiencia energética sean asequibles

Más de cincuenta millones de hogares en la Unión Europea son incapaces de calentar su casa adecuadamente. Los habitantes de Europa Central y Oriental, de Europa Sudoriental y de la Comunidad de Estados Independientes (las antiguas repúblicas soviéticas) corren un mayor riesgo de sufrir pobreza energética. Los edificios y electrodomésticos ineficientes y los elevados gastos de energía son los principales factores que contribuyen a la pobreza energética de los hogares con ingresos bajos. El proyecto ComAct, financiado con fondos europeos, se centrará en esas regiones para determinar las causas subyacentes y elaborar nuevos métodos para la reducción de los elevados niveles de pobreza energética. En concreto, el objetivo del proyecto es reducir los costes de las caras mejoras de alto impacto de la eficiencia energética en los edificios de apartamentos plurifamiliares de los países de Europa Central y Oriental y de las antiguas repúblicas soviéticas. Se llevarán a cabo cinco casos piloto en Bulgaria, Hungría, Lituania, Macedonia del Norte y Ucrania.


The countries in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region and in the former Soviet Union republics (CIS region) have the most energy-poor people in Europe. Main reasons contributing to energy poverty for people with low income are due to high energy prices and poor energy efficiency of the buildings, building heating systems and household appliances. The ComAct project is focusing on these regions and in particular on their specificity that the housing stock (characterised with large percentage of multi-family apartment blocks) is predominantly in private ownership and consequently energy-poor households live in their privately-owned apartments. To address the complex roots of energy poverty, there is a need to develop a new approach in order to influence the energy costs substantially and make the energy efficiency (EE) interventions affordable, and consequently reduce the high energy poverty level in the CEE and CIS region.

The ComAct project aims to make high-impact/high-cost energy-efficient improvements in multi-family apartment buildings in the CEE and CIS regions affordable and manageable for energy-poor communities as well as to create the necessary assistance conditions for lifting them out of energy poverty.

To achieve this main goal, firstly, an approach to identification and selection of energy-poor communities is developed, followed by interventions in three main dimensions: 1) empowering and activating the communities of homeowners’ associations; 2) developing/adapting financial tools that provide financing for low income families; and 3) optimising technical solutions that provide most favourable cost-benefit ratio for the energy efficient improvements at a multi-family apartment building level. In order to demonstrate applicability, benefits and potential for alleviating energy poverty, 5 pilot cases take place in Hungary, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Lithuania and Ukraine.

Ámbito científico

CORDIS clasifica los proyectos con EuroSciVoc, una taxonomía plurilingüe de ámbitos científicos, mediante un proceso semiautomático basado en técnicas de procesamiento del lenguaje natural.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Convocatoria de subcontratación


Régimen de financiación

CSA - Coordination and support action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 297 305,00
Mlynske Nivy 5

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Slovensko Bratislavský kraj Bratislavský kraj
Tipo de actividad
Coste total
€ 297 305,00

Participantes (9)