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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

UNCARIA: UNcertainty estimation in CARdiac Image Analysis

Description du projet

Renouveler les modèles de prédiction diagnostique des maladies cardiaques

Chaque année, près de la moitié des décès enregistrés en Europe sont liés à des maladies cardiovasculaires. Ces dernières années, l’émergence d’une nouvelle génération de réseaux de neurones profonds (DNN pour «deep neural networks») a considérablement amélioré la précision prédictive, améliorant l’évaluation des risques et le diagnostic précoce. Malheureusement, l’efficacité de ces outils n’a pas encore été appliquée en clinique. Le projet UNCARIA, financé par l’UE, vise à améliorer la capacité des prévisions avec un degré de confiance bien fondé. Les modèles actuels sont largement dépourvus de cette capacité, ce qui compromet leur potentiel d’adoption clinique. Ce projet aidera les DNN non seulement à produire des prévisions diagnostiques précises, mais aussi à modéliser leurs erreurs et à en prendre conscience.


Cardiovascular diseases account for nearly 45% of all deaths in Europe, with a yearly cost to the EU economy of €210 billions. The emergence of a new generation of deep neural networks (DNNs), powered by higher computing capabilities and the availability of large amounts of data, has enabled unprecedented predictive accuracy, bringing the promise of improving risk assessment and early diagnosis to the field of computational cardiac image understanding. Unfortunately, clinical translation of these tools has not been effectively accomplished yet. A key reason is the black-box nature of these models: through the observation of large-scale annotated data, DNNs can build rich, complex decision boundaries in the image space, but the sequence of mathematical operations leading to such decisions is not readily interpretable by humans.

The goal of this project is to open this black-box in a specific direction: building in these models the ability of understanding when they deliver a prediction with a well-founded confidence degree, and when a prediction is reached based only on local statistical regularities of training data and may not be reliable. Current models largely lack this ability, and this undermines their potential for clinical adoption. This project revolves around a fundamental idea: redefining the conventional way of training DNNs so that they can not only produce accurate diagnostic predictions but also model their own errors and have an awareness of them.

This proposal involves the transfer of the candidate to a worldwide renowned computer vision group, with a secondment in a top-tier medical research institution, followed by a returning stage in one of the most prestigious biomedical image analysis research groups within Europe. The proposed workplan is designed to train the candidate in both cutting-edge computer vision and clinical knowledge in the outgoing stage, maximizing potential for knowledge transfer to the European host during the incoming phase.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 224 071,20
08002 Barcelona

Voir sur la carte

Este Cataluña Barcelona
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 224 071,20

Partenaires (1)