Descripción del proyecto
Uso de la tecnología digital para examinar patrimonio dañado o perdido debido al cambio climático
El patrimonio cultural proporciona identidad y medios de subsistencia a las comunidades locales. Cuando este resulta dañado, las comunidades se ven directamente afectadas, ya que pierden el sentido de lugar y pertenencia. Se prevé que Europa noroccidental registrará una pérdida más generalizada de patrimonio debido al cambio climático. En el proyecto CHICC, financiado con fondos europeos, tratarán de comprender la repercusión del cambio climático sobre el patrimonio mediante un examen detenido de tres emplazamientos en Dinamarca, Irlanda y Escocia. El proyecto adoptará un enfoque de ciencia ciudadana e incluirá de forma activa a las comunidades para comprender cómo les afecta el cambio climático. CHICC lanzará un recurso consistente en un mapa profundo en línea para crear una estrategia de conservación digital.
CHICC aims to understand the impact of climate-change driven heritage loss on local communities. The widespread impacts of climate change are acknowledged in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action; however, the full scale of the impacts on heritage and associated communities is currently unknown but knowable.
Three damaged or lost heritage sites will be explored through CHICC: Mårup, Denmark; Dunbeag, Ireland; Brora, Scotland. Each has been altered by climate change, creating an impact on the lives and livelihoods of local communities, their sense of place and belonging, their perception of climate change; overall, impacting their cultural identities. As North-West Europe is expected to experience greater and more widespread heritage loss due to climate change, CHICC will use these sites to understand the complexity of loss, and the impact on communities and their cultural identities.
Through adopting a Citizen Science approach, CHICC will include the often-omitted voice of local communities to understand how climate change impacts them, which may include an upsurge in engagement with climate change mitigation, greater energy for preservation or forgetting.
Communities will be active participants within the research, contributing their views, ideas and resources. Through co-creation, CHICC will launch an online, deepmap for three damaged or lost heritage sites. The deepmap will collate and democratise multidisciplinary, primary and secondary data to interrogate the relationship between climate change, heritage and culture. This open-access resource will be created in-line with a Digital Preservation Strategy to ensure reuse of data for future researchers and varied stakeholder groups.
The methodology developed includes co-creation and Citizen Science, underpinned by well-integrated interdisciplinarity, thus allows for impact and relevance for the numerous stakeholder groups with vested interested in heritage, climate change and the future.
Ámbito científico
Not validated
Not validated
Palabras clave
Régimen de financiación
MSCA-IF - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF)Coordinador
8000 Aarhus C