Descripción del proyecto
Una nueva perspectiva de una de las ciudades petroleras más antiguas del mundo
Las ciudades pueden tardar muchos años en crecer a medida que la sociedad se desarrolla. Sin embargo, el descubrimiento de recursos naturales como el petróleo puede llevar a un rápido desarrollo urbano. Cuando el auge de los recursos se desvanece, estas ciudades suelen entrar en decadencia. Sin embargo, este no ha sido el caso de la «ciudad petrolera» de Bakú en Azerbaiyán . Bakú, una de las primeras y más importantes ciudades de este tipo de todo el mundo, ha mantenido su dependencia del petróleo durante los últimos 150 años. No obstante, se sabe poco sobre el legado de esta ciudad. En el proyecto BAKOIL, financiado con fondos europeos, se utilizará la etnografía y el análisis textual para examinar las narraciones oficiales y no oficiales de la continuidad urbana basada en la producción de petróleo. También se centrará en cómo la identidad urbana basada en el petróleo afecta a la idea de un futuro pospetróleo.
This research project will explore the construction of ‘oil city’ narratives in Baku, Azerbaijan. Baku is one of the earliest and historically most significant oil cities in the world. Despite this important legacy, there has been little scholarly attention to the ideological and cultural meanings of oil in different urban milieus. Addressing this gap in scholarship, this study aims to deepen scholarly understanding of the constitution of oil urbanism and its implications for post-oil future. The development of many cities that are linked to oil production is dependent upon the economic cycles of boom and busts of the industry. Typically, oil cities rapidly grow during a boom, and decline during a bust. Few cities are able to reinvent themselves after a bust, either by diversifying their economies or assuming the role of a technological hub for the industry. Baku is unusual among the world's oil cities, as it neither declined nor reinvented itself, but has perpetuated its dependence on oil for the last 150 years and continued to strengthen its identity as ‘the oil city’.
Using a combination of ethnography and textual analysis, this study aims to provide a detailed ethnographic analysis of how Baku’s oil city identity has been constructed and reproduced in official and unofficial discourses by variously positioned professionals involved in memory-making, either directly (museum workers and urban heritage activists) or indirectly (oil industry professionals; city planners; tour guides). The main research objectives are: 1) to examine the official and unofficial narratives of urban continuity based on oil production in their socio-cultural context 2) to explore the practices of collective remembering and forgetting in constructing the narratives of Baku as a historical center of oil production and 3) to explore how an urban identity based on oil affects the imagination of a post-oil future among these groups.
Ámbito científico
Palabras clave
Régimen de financiación
MSCA-IF - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF)Coordinador
KY16 9AJ St Andrews
Reino Unido