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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Sustainable Smart De-Icing by Surface Engineering of Acoustic Waves

Descripción del proyecto

Una tecnología novedosa basada en ondas acústicas para el deshielo de instalaciones industriales

La formación de hielo en las superficies es un fenómeno habitual que puede derivar en eventos catastróficos y afecta muchísimo al rendimiento de las instalaciones industriales. El proyecto SOUNDofICE, financiado con fondos europeos, reúne a especialistas en sistemas antihielo, científicos de materiales e ingenieros para probar si las ondas acústicas de superficie de alta frecuencia (del orden de megahercios) pueden emplearse para eliminar de forma inteligente y sostenible el hielo de las superficies. Para ello, el equipo del proyecto empleará una tecnología basada en la ingeniería de superficies de ondas acústicas capaces de funcionar en condiciones adversas con un coste energético despreciable. En concreto, se desarrollarán modelos de excitación de átomos de agregados de hielo por ondas superficiales e integrará transductores acústicos en superficies de gran tamaño. En conjunto, el objetivo del proyecto es demostrar las ventajas de su estrategia de deshielo en comparación con los métodos actuales. La tecnología se probará y se revisará su futura transferencia a los principales agentes de la Unión Europea en aeronáutica, energías renovables y electrodomésticos.


Icing on surfaces is commonplace in nature and industry and too often causes catastrophic events. SOUNDofICE ultimate goal is to overcome costly and environmentally harmful de-icing methods with a pioneering strategy based on the surface engineering of MHz Acoustic Waves for a smart and sustainable removal of ice. This technology encompasses the autonomous detection and low-energy-consuming removal of accreted ice on any material and geometry. For the first time, both detection and de-icing will share the same operating principle. The visionary research program covers modeling of surface wave atom excitation of ice aggregates, integration of acoustic transducers on large areas and the development of surface engineering solutions to stack micron-size interdigitated electrodes together with different layers providing efficient wave propagation, anti-icing capacity, and aging resistance. We will demonstrate that this de-icing strategy surpasses existing methods in performance, multifunctionality and capacity of integration on industrially relevant substrates as validated with proof of concept devices suited for the aeronautic and wind power industries. SOUNDofICE high-risks will be confronted by a strongly interdisciplinary team from five academic centers covering both the fundamental and applied aspects. Two SMEs with first-hand experience in icing will be in charge of testing this technology and its future transfer to key EU players in aeronautics, renewable energy, and household appliances. An Advisory Board incorporating relevant companies will contribute to an effective dissemination and benchmarking. Flexibility of the R&D plan, multidisciplinarity and assistance of the AdB guarantee the success of this proposal, bringing up a unique opportunity for young academia leaders and SMEs from five different countries to strengthen the EU position on a high fundamental and technological impact field, just on the moment when the climate issues are of maxima importance

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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 865 619,00
28006 Madrid

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Comunidad de Madrid Comunidad de Madrid Madrid
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 1 004 916,50

Participantes (8)