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Graphene and related materials membranes for efficient removal of toxic cations from water

Description du projet

Une nouvelle technologie pour l’eau potable

Du graphène et des matériaux apparentés (GRM) chimiquement adaptés vont être combinés avec la technologie des membranes capillaires (CM) afin d’améliorer la qualité de l’eau potable. Le projet GRAPHEME, financé par l’UE, permettra de mettre au point une nouvelle génération de CM associant l’élimination des polluants toxiques avec le rejet des particules, des micro-organismes et des solides dissous grâce à la synergie entre la micro/ultrafiltration par les échafaudages de CM et l’adsorption multi-cibles des GRM. Le projet définira une stratégie pour commercialiser la technologie GRAPHEME, elle inclura le positionnement en termes de propriété intellectuelle, l’étude de marché, le modèle commercial et la collecte de fonds. Plus précisément, une validation de principe technique et commerciale sera effectuée en développant un prototype qui permettra in fine de rapprocher la technologie CM de sa phase de commercialisation.


GRAPHEME will combine chemically tailored graphene and related materials (GRMs) with capillary membranes (CMs) technology to engineer a radically new generation of CMs, exploiting simultaneously the outstanding adsorption properties of GRMs with the physical sieving potential of CMs, to ultimately improve the quality of potable water. GRMs’ hybrids hold a disruptive potential as sieving materials to boost the CMs performance as they possess an ideal tailor-made structure and tunable physicochemical properties. In a recent breakthrough, foams based on GRMs functionalized with polymers were used to sequester heavy metal ions from water with an unprecedented efficiency. Their high surface area with sp2 hybridization favors the adsorption of organic molecules. The functional groups on the GRM surface enable to tune both the water permeability and the binding of ions, thereby favoring the removal of inorganic contaminants. Significantly, no other material currently used for water treatment combines all these key properties. GRAPHEME’s CMs will combine the removal of toxic pollutants with rejection of particles, microorganisms and dissolved solids thanks to the synergy between micro/ultrafiltration by CM scaffolds and GRM multitarget adsorption. Towards the GRAPHEME technology commercialization, we will define the exploitation strategy, including IP positioning, market survey, business model and fundraising. This will also include partnering with key enablers – business-related and technological – for commercial success. A technical and commercial proof-of-concept will be established by developing a prototype to ultimately bring our CMs technology closer to the market. GRAPHEME will set new standards for the best exploitation of water for the mankind and will give the means to governing authorities to strengthen regulation. By developing new protocols for water purification, a major technological revolution will take place, positively affecting a number of industries.

Institution d’accueil

Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 30 000,00
67000 Strasbourg

Voir sur la carte

Grand Est Alsace Bas-Rhin
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
Aucune donnée

Bénéficiaires (2)