Current consumer electronic devices are not powerful enough to process large synthetic computer images efficiently. It is not expected that the computer power needed to deliver the necessary output will be available on inexpensive consumer equipment any time soon.
The ARCHATOUR project makes an attempt to bridge this gap by taking the following steps:
- Development of pre-recorded three-dimensional synthetic computer landscapes for use in the area of archaeological research, one key area of the European cultural market.
- Development of a generic multimedia system based on CD-I in order to incorporate the pre-recorded landscapes and deliver them to the consumer market.
- Creation of all necessary infrastructure for capturing, processing and developing the 3D dimensional synthetic images.
The project will include a three-dimensional scanner for recording and processing of archaeological artefacts. It will also be demonstrated that the proposed architecture can provide the expected market benefits by the development and implementation of one prototype system CD-I, based on the example of the excavation and reconstruction of a site of an ancient temple in Greece, of objects belonging to the Kon-Tiki Museum and of a ski resort in the Alps.
Efficient dissemination of the project results will be ensured through the participation of companies and users in conjunction with the expertise of the core development team. Upon successful completion of the project, the partners are committed to the establishment of a European Interest Group with the aim of:
- promoting and marketing the ARCHATOUR products,
- developing new applications based on the infrastructure of the ARCHATOUR project.
Fields of science
Data not availableCall for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
Data not availableCoordinator
14563 ATHENS